Full moon madness has happened in the Brozek home! This was a crazy weekend and it has provided me with a few days worth of stories to share with you. I am not going to lie; with this first story it wouldn’t take much more to freak me out. Read this story and tell me what you think.
Friday I was checking out an area college that houses a wall climb. We were discussing if our children (I work with a population of children with special needs) would enjoy trying to climb this wall. Being in complete favor of the empowerment this experience can bring for a child, I shared that in the summer I volunteer at a camp for children in various stages of their cancer journey. I have seen children who have lost limbs successfully manage the wall. It doesn’t matter how high a child goes – it only matters that they put the helmet and harness on and they take that first step up.
Making that camp comment had me thinking about some of the kids throughout the day but I didn’t say anything to anyone. Yesterday morning Maddy shared with me that she had a dream (Friday night) about camp. She dreamt that it was summer and we were there for the week. Then yesterday, completely independent of each other, six of her camp friends called and texted her throughout the day. They were just checking in, saying hello, and trying to figure out a way to see each other again.
Wow! Does that send chills down your spine or what? If anything else camp newsworthy happens this week I will let you know.
Assignment: These are great kids – who in spite of all they have triumphed over – are still just kids. Lift them up in your thoughts and prayers.
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