Sunday, January 31, 2010

Full Moon Maddness

Full moon madness has happened in the Brozek home! This was a crazy weekend and it has provided me with a few days worth of stories to share with you. I am not going to lie; with this first story it wouldn’t take much more to freak me out. Read this story and tell me what you think.

Friday I was checking out an area college that houses a wall climb. We were discussing if our children (I work with a population of children with special needs) would enjoy trying to climb this wall. Being in complete favor of the empowerment this experience can bring for a child, I shared that in the summer I volunteer at a camp for children in various stages of their cancer journey. I have seen children who have lost limbs successfully manage the wall. It doesn’t matter how high a child goes – it only matters that they put the helmet and harness on and they take that first step up.

Making that camp comment had me thinking about some of the kids throughout the day but I didn’t say anything to anyone. Yesterday morning Maddy shared with me that she had a dream (Friday night) about camp. She dreamt that it was summer and we were there for the week. Then yesterday, completely independent of each other, six of her camp friends called and texted her throughout the day. They were just checking in, saying hello, and trying to figure out a way to see each other again.

Wow! Does that send chills down your spine or what? If anything else camp newsworthy happens this week I will let you know.

Assignment: These are great kids – who in spite of all they have triumphed over – are still just kids. Lift them up in your thoughts and prayers.

Friday, January 29, 2010


I have given a lot of thought into what I will be sacrificing for Lent this season. At first I thought I would give up sweets because that would really benefit me but it didn’t feel right. Now I am in prayerful consideration of the following two sacrifices:

1. Give up all extra spending outside of bills, gas, and groceries. There are a few exceptions that I have to encounter: Maddy’s birthday is during Lent and I have a hair appointment that I simply can not miss. No, I can NOT miss this appointment. But all other spending would be eliminated. This would be a good sacrifice because I have all that I really need. Lent will help me remember I have all I need during times when temptation in the form of a new sweater sale springs up.
2. Give up eating out. This would be huge, huge, HUGE for me. In my routine laziness I do not always prepare a lunch because I know I can just go out and get something. Also, there are times when we are tired or it is late during the week so we don’t make a meal – we just order out. This would be a very difficult sacrifice and one, perhaps, that would have me in a constant prayer for strength.

Whatever I end up doing I am thankful that God is full of grace. He will love me regardless of my successfulness (or lack there of). I am also thankful that I have so many blessings in my life from which to choose.

Assignment: Make your faith practice one that extends beyond 40 days and nights.

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Gift Risk

I have a confession to make. When it comes to gift giving there have been times when Tom and I have tried to relive our childhoods at the expense of our children. The results have not always been pretty. Underused Matchbox cars, a train set, the Easy Bake Oven, and a Light Bright are just a few examples of good memories gone wrong. We can’t help it. We really can’t. We just get caught up in the nostalgia of the moment.

This last Christmas had all the makings for another underappreciated gift. Back when we were in high school (all those many years ago) the Varsity Jacket was THE THING TO OWN if you were in a sport. The Varsity Jacket was especially THE THING TO OWN if you were a football player. But in 2010, the Varsity Jacket is hard to come by. There are a still a few players who can be seen wearing theirs but the numbers are nothing like they were in 1973 and 1980.

This year Tom had his heart set on getting Andy a Varsity Jacket. Tom knew the risk but he also knew the reward; a time when Andy as a grown man would pull out his jacket to remember his glory days. And so, on Christmas morning as Andy slowly opened the package we held our breath. We knew he would be gracious because he is a kind person but we had no idea how he would truly feel about this gift.

Turns out – he loved it and really why wouldn’t he? Look how handsome he is in this thing! He wears his jacket everywhere and he gets lots of compliments. I know it is just a sport and a high school sport at that but we are super proud of how hard he has worked for that letter. Let the glory days stories begin.

Assignment: Never stop dreaming!

Wednesday, January 27, 2010


The tradition began six years ago when Maddy was sick. Our friends Dave and Nancy offered to entertain the kids so we could rekindle our relationship. We went to Traverse City for a snowshoe and wine tasting get-away. It was just what we needed. The next year, with Maddy in remission and our relationship kindled, we decided to ask our older children to join us.

Over the years our group has grown to include fiancĂ©es, spouses, friends, and a few ‘babies on board’. While we don’t always snowshoe or wine taste, we do always manage to have a good time. This past weekend was no exception!

The best part of this tradition is that our children look forward to it each year. Here they are with careers, families, and lives of their own but they still like to get together with the ‘rents”. It is a special time with our older children and one that I hope continues for many, many years to come. As soon as Maddy and Andy graduate they become eligible to join us – it will be a full all family affair.

Assignment: Family Time

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Happy Birthday Megan

Megan was born 26 years ago today and that makes this her GOLDEN BIRTHDAY! Have a Happy Birthday Little Girl. You are a beautiful, kind, intelligent, and talented young woman. I am proud of who you are and who you continue to become.

Assignment: Party like a Rock-Star!

Thursday, January 21, 2010


I like hot dogs. Okay, step back I know what they are made of but they taste good. Hot Dogs taste super-duper good. Thankfully I do not eat a lot of hot dogs but when the craving hits, I gotta fix that hankering. So when it last hit I decided to stop in on an old favorite.

This place used to be THE place to go for fast service, cheap prices, and two dangerously delicious Greek Chili Dogs and a side of fries. It was not uncommon for their lunch time line to be outside the building. The wait was never long and well worth it – because of the dogs. It had been a while since I visited this place. Oh how excited I was to place my order for the special: mustard, onions, and that special Greek Chili sauce. I have to confess; I pulled out of the drive thru and coasted into a parking spot. I just needed a bite to get me through the last part of my drive. A little tease of anticipation for what was soon to come.

I am not sure what happened and obviously I am still trying to figure it out. Does my memory deceive me? Where these dogs really always – just okay – not the best around? Is it because I now work in the “big” city and I have access to more hot dog stands so my standards have changed? Could it be that the business has changed their secret recipe for success?

Hot Dig-it-itty Disappointment!

Assignment: If you know the place of which I write, please stop in get a few dogs and let me you know what you think?

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Hello Are you there?

Sometimes when I write this blog I imagine I am on the stage in a large auditorium. The lights are bright but I think I see a few people scattered in the back seats.

I open with a few soft balls stories just to get a feel for the mood.


(Tap, Tap, Tap) “Hum, hello is my key board working?”

I quickly change the pace with a fast pitch. This story has it all – comedy and controversy. This will raise a few emotions.

(Cricket Sound . . .Cricket Sound)

Maybe I am alone? Would that change the level of enjoyment I get writing this?

Maybe, I don’t know.

Is it because I don’t have cute little children to share with you?

Is it because I don’t live on a ranch?

Perhaps it is because I don’t have a string of men I sex-up then dish about each night?

Maybe my writing just isn’t good? My spelling errors and creative grammar isn’t for everyone I realize.

Maybe blog readers treat the writing like a book. You don’t interact with the author of a book. You just read, form opinions, and then host a book club to talk about it. I don’t think there is a Hard Way to Learn blog club?

I would like a book where the author allowed for feed back after each chapter read. That might be fun. I have a lot of opinions.

Assignment: If you care to comment, I am here. I just wanted you to know that. Don’t feel pressure but if you want to say hello, I am here.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010


Today I spent a large percent of my drive behind a Buick Enclave. When we first met, the driver gracefully extended her gloved hand to toss a cigarette butt out the window. That movement alone created a full image of her in my mind. I imagined her to resemble Cruella from Disney’s 101 Dalmatians. I expected her dark hair to be piled atop of her head and her lips to be stained a vibrant red. Her facial features would be sharp – pointy even. She probably was multi-tasking while smoking, driving, drinking gourmet coffee, listening to the stock exchange, and laying out the day’s assignments for her over-worked and underpaid assistant.

That was fun and it killed about 20 miles of thoughts.

Then her gloved hand extended again to toss out another cigarette butt. Now my imagination became a quest to get a glimpse of Ms. Cruella. I bid my time until our travel routes would allow me to drive side-by-side this chain-smoking lady.

What a disappointment! She did not look like my mind’s design at all. She was a plump woman with permed and graying hair. She actually resembled one of the Fairy Godmothers from Sleeping Beauty. All she needed for that was a pointy hat with a scarf flowing from the tip.


Assignment: Sometimes it is best to leave the wonder in things alone.

Monday, January 18, 2010

Super Powers

I have not taken the time to figure out how many people stop in on this blog but I believe I have one loyal fan (Tom is such a good friend and partner!) and one or two other regulars. Because of the closeness of our group, I am going to trust you enough to share some possible crazy thoughts I have. These are not random – I have spent time on them. Please, do not judge me.

If I could be any animal in the world, I think I would be a house cat. I have many things in common with my house cat, Hurley. We both like to sleep a lot. We both are moody. We both express our indifference to things in a very public manner. Yet, we are both cute at times and when we do want to cuddle we commit to it fully.

If I could have any super power I would have the power to jump like my cat. There are times I find him on top of the refrigerator. How does he do this? I think I would like to be able to jump here and there like my cat does. I also would like to be able to do flips in mid-air. My cat does this from time to time when he is chasing his imaginary friend or trying to catch a fly. I always think: cool cat. Cool Cat!

If I could have another super power, I would like to know what people are thinking about me when I meet them. I would not use this power all the time because I think it might be hurtful to my feelings. But used on occasion, I think this gift could be helpful. This power would help me stop embarrassing myself and thus stop my suffering from the uncomfortable after taste of regret. I would like this power.

I would not want the ability to read minds all of the time. Sometimes I am in meetings or at social events and my mind takes a little vacation. I start thinking silly thoughts about the person speaking, what I am having for dinner, how bad my toe nail polish is chipping. I can only stop myself when I realize that there just might be someone in the room who can read my mind. I would be very embarrassed if this happened. I would not want that mind reading super power but I would welcome a special signal to let me know if someone in the room could read minds. That would help me know when to pay attention.

Thanks for listening . . . hey, you were listening right?

Assignment: Have some fun – share the super powers you wish you had.

Note to Tom: You do not have to post because we will play this game on our long drive up north this weekend. I know how much you love when I have us play these types of games. You had better start thinking about what animal you would be right now.

Saturday, January 16, 2010

So Many Stories!

I have so many stories that involve my immediate family (teens) but I can not share them with you. I want to (and perhaps under the right circumstances I could be convinced to TELL you) but right now the stories will have to remain vibrant in my head. They are not ready for paper.

It was so much easier to have young children who enjoyed being the focal point of my stories. They never regarded how silly or sweet the stories would make them appear. Teens have way more rules to live by and they are way less agreeable to sharing their ‘business’ with others – much less their parents.

Assignment: Learn to respect the teens in your life . . . .but you don’t have to like it.

Friday, January 15, 2010

Lady Truth Isn't Always Pretty

If you are a man about to read this – you may want to stop right now. This edition is laced with lady truths and they ain’t pretty. However, this might prove insightful for men because this is what your lady love is dealing with each and every day so buy her some flowers!

If you are a woman, under the age of 45, then you must read this because I am about to get real – really real – and it aint’ pretty. I am pulling back the veil for you – my much younger friend. I am here for you. You, in all of your sweet innocent ideals of how gracefully you will age, love yourself now. Love yourself now. I remember when I thought like you but then I turned 47 and all heck has broken loose.

Hair: I have been enhancing my natural hair color for many years. My mom was prematurely grey and she kindly passed that trait on to me (and I gift it to you my sweet children). But now portions of my hair are building a resistance to the coloring. My stylist Kyle is AWESOME but he is merely a man. He can not change the force of which my pigmently challenged follicles are springing forth. Every five weeks I am in his chair BEGGING for a break through in hair color science (I mean come on smart science guys get on this!).

The gray hair is bad but it doesn’t compare to the amounts of hair I appear to be loosing in the shower everyday. I am no smart science guy but even I know that it is only a matter of time before my economic supply and demand for hair will turn unbalanced. I do not feel this is fair and it makes me mad at my hair. Really angry!

Gray hair may stink and loosing hair may suck but what the heck is happening to my face. A few months ago I woke up to see a 13 year old boy in my mirror’s reflection (you get the idea.). Let me just state, I couldn’t dial the salon’s number fast enough – this was now a job for professionals.

Hips: I am finished with my birthing years but my hips apparently have not been informed. My hips continue to spread like the Texas flatlands. No matter how much weight I lose or how many squats I do, those bones are never going to come together again.

Heat: Cherish the cold chills you are feeling sweet young ladies. My internal thermostat is providing me with daily foreshadowing of what is yet to come. “That’s Hot” has a less appealing definition now that I am 47!

Wrinkles: I felt I was ahead of the game in this arena, I really did! After all, I always wore my sunglasses as I basked in the sun for most of my teens and twenties. Umm, warm restful days in the sun – bronzing my body (and face) all natural like, just the way God intended. But as we all know, pride comes before the fall. Recently I awoke to find a full map of major highways and county access roads surrounding my eyes. I am ashamed to confess that I have actually considered Botox. I would have already done it but I am having a hard time getting past the fact that Botox is poison. Poison and a needle near my eye – just enough creep factors to keep me wrinkled.

Keegles: If you have had or plan to have children, you better heed these words . . Keegles 3 times a day – set of 10 each time. Make this a part of your everyday routine for the rest of your life. Trust me on this, for I do not lie, you will thank me when you can freely run, jump, cough, or laugh! Trust me.

These truths will not be found in a magazine. They will not be shared by your close friends. They will not be found in journals or diaries. These are the things we never talk about but I am . . . I am spreading the truth. You know I feel enlighten, free, joyful - like a young woman again.

Assignment: Keegles, Sunscreen, and a Healthy lifestyle will provide you with a strong foundation as you age. Love yourself and learn to laugh at the changes you will experience. It makes life much easier!

Thursday, January 14, 2010


For most of America, I do not believe it is possible to fully understand the chaos and destruction that Haiti is experiencing at this time. I hope our world will unite in thoughts, prayers and action for the people of Haiti, the government of Haiti, the Mission work occurring in Haiti, and for those persons from around the world who were/are working and visiting Port-au-prince at this time. I cannot imagine the fear that these people are facing. Never mind the loss of an individual’s worldly possessions, but the fact that this earthquake creates a shortage of basic needs (food, water, shelter) combined with magnitude of lives lost. This is a time of true unknown for so many. It breaks my heart.

I believe something good can come from this. I am hopeful that, for at least a time, it will give our media something to rally our nation around beside the Conan/Leno/American Idol/Bachelor changes. I am seeing other nations quickly springing into action. I find hope in that. From what I understand, governmental/economic progress had been made in Haiti. I continue to hope that through the hard work of rebuilding, we continue to see progress in government and economy for these people. I know many American’s will rally together with prayers, money, and strong hands to be a part of the transformation.

Finally, I would like to share a rant on Rev. Pat Robertson. I truly wish that he would stop providing his interpretation of God’s actions on our earth. I am Christian. I believe in God. I do not believe in Rev. Robertson’s harsh and condemning comments based on a slave rebellion in 1791 Haiti. I believe that God has provided all with freedom of choice. I believe that God is full of Grace and Forgiveness. I believe that God does not allow or prevent bad things from happening in our world. Everything that occurs is an opportunity to grow closer or further from Christ. Everything that happens is an opportunity to build endurance and character.

Rev. Robertson’s comments would indicate that the people of Haiti have been secluded from God’s freewill since that ‘pack’ in 1791. His comments would indicate that I have done something better than the people of Haiti to have the blessings in my life. His comments are harsh, condemning and lacking in one of the most powerful tool’s faith has: hope. Where there is HOPE there is GOD. So please, Rev. Robertson do not speak on behalf of this Christian. We do not share the same vision of Christ.

Assignment: Lift your prayers for our world as we unite to save Haiti. If you are giving money, please make sure you give to secure sources (for example: Red Cross, Salvation Army, and Lutheran Brotherhood). And most importantly, be thankful for the many blessings God has given you – may you share them with others.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

What I am Reading Right NOW!

Because I was starting to feel better last night I was finally able to pick up a book again. Isn’t it ironic that when you are sick you have plenty of time to read but you don’t have the energy to concentrate on anything other than sleeping or mindless television? Being sick is such a waste of time. Anyway, because I was finally feeling better I picked up my copy of Half Broke Horses by Jeannette Walls. You may remember this was on my ‘must read’ list for the Holidays.

I loved Wall’s memoir The Glass Castle so I was nervous about picking up her second novel. So often an author knocks it out of the ballpark with their first story but then struggles to continue that magic in follow-ups. Well worry not. Half Broke Horses is a page turner! It is the story of Walls grandmother, told in first person and it captures your attention with the first page. Heck, it captured my attention with the first sentence!

Half Broke Horse will catapult you into another time!

Assignment: You have some reading to do . . . .!

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

I hab been sithk

WOW! It has been a while since I have had a full on head cold but this one won hands down. Saturday, after our marathon of errands I came home climbed into bed and stayed. Today is the first day (Tuesday) I have felt anything close to normal. Tomorrow I will return to work. I still haven’t taken our Christmas decorations down for the year. I think it will be okay.

Assignment: Cough into your elbow. Wash your hands

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Time Space Continuum

It should be obvious that I am no Einstein, I have much better hair, but this week I believe I experienced a Time-Space Continuum and lived to tell about it. My calendar is deceiving; it shows a normal work week of five days so I can not use this as proof. Instead I will have to use the bags under my eyes as clear proof that some how this first week of the New Year was actually a 30-day work week.

I am now into the weekend and there is no rest in my future. I have been battling a head cold and the cold is officially winning. I have to go into town to run a million errands because I couldn’t over the snowed in holidays. Speaking of which, Santa is still staring at me daily so I suppose it is time to put away the Christmas decorations.

I think the Time-Space Continuum continues on . . . .

Assignment: If you have too many things to do and not enough time to do them, find a friend to share in your suffering. Oh Tom, guess what you are doing this weekend!

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

A Must View

Have you ever been fortunate enough to meet someone who you instantly knew was a good person at their very core? I have had this pleasure a few times in my life. Valerie Nin is one such person. She is bright, cheerful, and has an ever present smile on her face. If these qualities were not enough she is also a culinary expert. No seriously, culinary E.X.P.E.R.T . . . . with the paper to back it up.

If you are looking to go to a happy place for a while, check out her website I highly encourage you to view her photography section but be prepared to feel your waistband tighten and your pant’s button strain because just looking will add inches!

Assignment: Bon appetite

Extra Assignment: I can not figure out how to make the link live so you can just click on it to be routed to the site I want you to see. If you read this and know how I can accomplish this 'simple' move please share. Thanks

Monday, January 4, 2010

Happy New Monday - Real Life

Happy New Monday! I did spring out of bed this morning with a smile on my face and determination in my heart; this was going to be a great first New Monday! I bounced (kind of) out of bed, checked the school closings, showered, dressed, woke the kids, and made my way outside. It was 7:20 and I was on track for my 7:30 AM dentist appointment.

At 7:35 I called the dentist to let them know I was stuck at the top of my hill. I would be running late. At 7:45 a young man finally stopped to see if I needed help. He shoveled me out of the snow and towed me onto the main road. It was about this same time my children were coming up the hill. They stopped to make sure I was alright and then they got stuck on the ice. The Good Samaritan’s Tracker could not pull them up the ice so we flagged down a diesel. The diesel had to help, not only because we looked so pathetic but we were blocking the whole road and he needed to get down the hill.

Finally at 8:05 everyone was on their way. The kids received a tardy at school and I traveled my 60+ mile commute with cold feet and a strained grip on the steering wheel. I am stopping at the store on my way home to get a shovel and kitty litter for Andy and my car! I might even bribe Tom into letting me take the Jeep half of this week.

On a bright note, the snow plow was coming down our road when we were all being towed to safety.

Happy New Monday indeed!

Assignment: Drive safely.

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Mission Accomplished

On the onset of my (nearly) two weeks Christmas break I set some “lofty” goals for myself. Today, on this final day of vacation, it is time to suit-up and measure my success to failure rate.

Family: Four straight days of Christmas Celebration followed by snow days with everyone trapped like rats in a science experiment equates to time with family. . . Mission SO Accomplished.

Friends: Squeaked in some quality friend time on Christmas evening and New Years Eve but I was nursing a sore throat and a house full of sick males when my annual “Chick Flick and Dinner” took place . . . Mission Nearly on Target.

Food: Cuban Chili, Corn Bread, Cheesy Scalloped Potatoes, Ham, London Broil, Almond Syrup Baked French Toast, Quiches, Fudge, etc, etc, etc . . . .Mission Accomplished to Perfection.

Books Read:
The Help: Charming characters teamed with a level of suspense means you want to read more. A pleasant interjection of history make The Help a perfect reading get away. You don’t have to have hours to spend on this book – it is a great pick up read for any woman. Note: This is 100% Southern Chick Lit.

The Private Lives of Pipi Lee: This book is not uplifting and at times a bit ‘been there done that’ with the sex, drugs, and spiraling out of control life style. However, when the writer focuses on Pipi at age 50 – and her relationship with her mother, husband, and children (especially her daughter) the book is haunting and thought provoking. It is in those honest moments that the reader (if a woman of an age to have aged mom, husband and grown children) will find herself reflecting on her own personal relationships.

The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society: A surprise read for this holiday break (thanks Megan!) and one that I will complete by end of day. Don’t let the title of this book fool you – this isn’t a cheeky Sweet Potato Pie adventure of the Housewives of This Place or That. This is a look a life on the Island of Guernsey (England) during World War II and the story (fictional) is told completely through letters. The story has some flaws but the two (yes, TWO) authors know how to mix history with compelling characters and I predict screenplay within two years.

Books Read: I had four on my list and a surprise entry was submitted mid-game. I was also distracted by SEVERAL old movies on TCM and Fox Classics. I completed three of the five books. . . .. Mission Malfunction.

Snowshoe: Yes! I found my way out of my hibernation pattern not once but twice this holiday vacation! The other days I walked on the treadmill in my new (Christmas gift) super cute workout clothes. You know, even if working out at home, looking good is feeling good and if that leads to my lazy butt on the treadmill even better. The day is far from over so there might (MIGHT) be a final vacation snowshoe in my near future. … Mission Accomplished!!

Assignment: Ease back into your reality . . . . Pat yourself on the back for doing something (anything) over these past few weeks. It is okay to be your own cheerleader once in a while and in these days of snow, cold, and blowing winds we all need a cheer or two.

Saturday, January 2, 2010

An Ode to Ms. Meryl Streep

Dearest Meryl,

I believe we first met in a small theater in Grand Haven, Michigan. I was in high school. A few friends and I had nothing to do so we went to the Grand Theater to see a little film called The Deer Hunter. I was moved. Our next encounter came in the form of Kramer vs Kramer. In the beginning, you seemed so heartless but I knew there was something deeper involved. The more you revealed the more I knew our relationship would grow.

It was easy to become one of your fans. Your abilities are deeper than mere acting. You actually become the role and in return, what I was watching became more than a movie. Through the years, and there have been many, I have made unimaginable choices with you, strived for immortality with you, and felt the wild rush of the river with you. If I am being honest, there were times when I hoped our visit would be a quick one. But it was never you – it was me, really my interests cannot always be adapted or come back from the edge. Okay, once it was you – She-Devil???

My dearest Meryl, this week I have had the pleasure of cooking with you and sharing in the many complications of life. Thank you for showing the world how beautiful age 60 can be on a woman. Thank you for once again making me laugh, cry, and contemplate. We began our friendship in 1978 and I hope that we have many more years together.



Friday, January 1, 2010

Old Family - New Families

A wonderful Christmas Photo of our old family. These are some good looking kids don't you think?

Now for our New Families . . . .

Megan and Brian and Baby (in June) make three in 2010.

Jess and DJ tie the knot (in August) 2010

Jake and Laura (plus Bella the Sweetest Rescued Dog) dating into the New Year

Maddy, Steve, and Andy - When you look this good you have to keep your options open for 2010

Tom and I will celebrate 20 years of marriage ( in May) 2010. We truly continue to count our many Blessings.

Assignment: In Celebration of the New Year gather your family (whatever that means for you) and take a photo to mark this moment in time. Happy New Year!