Tuesday, January 5, 2010

A Must View

Have you ever been fortunate enough to meet someone who you instantly knew was a good person at their very core? I have had this pleasure a few times in my life. Valerie Nin is one such person. She is bright, cheerful, and has an ever present smile on her face. If these qualities were not enough she is also a culinary expert. No seriously, culinary E.X.P.E.R.T . . . . with the paper to back it up.

If you are looking to go to a happy place for a while, check out her website http://web.me.com/ninv/Sweet_Blogging/Blog/Blog.html. I highly encourage you to view her photography section but be prepared to feel your waistband tighten and your pant’s button strain because just looking will add inches!

Assignment: Bon appetite

Extra Assignment: I can not figure out how to make the link live so you can just click on it to be routed to the site I want you to see. If you read this and know how I can accomplish this 'simple' move please share. Thanks


Valerie said...

Aww!! Thanks Nancy!! That was really nice.

Beth said...

I agree with it all, you are the best Valerie! I miss you lots...my new job might bring me to Boston. I HOPE IT DOES! I can come eat where you work! And most importantly...see you my dear.