Friday, January 29, 2010


I have given a lot of thought into what I will be sacrificing for Lent this season. At first I thought I would give up sweets because that would really benefit me but it didn’t feel right. Now I am in prayerful consideration of the following two sacrifices:

1. Give up all extra spending outside of bills, gas, and groceries. There are a few exceptions that I have to encounter: Maddy’s birthday is during Lent and I have a hair appointment that I simply can not miss. No, I can NOT miss this appointment. But all other spending would be eliminated. This would be a good sacrifice because I have all that I really need. Lent will help me remember I have all I need during times when temptation in the form of a new sweater sale springs up.
2. Give up eating out. This would be huge, huge, HUGE for me. In my routine laziness I do not always prepare a lunch because I know I can just go out and get something. Also, there are times when we are tired or it is late during the week so we don’t make a meal – we just order out. This would be a very difficult sacrifice and one, perhaps, that would have me in a constant prayer for strength.

Whatever I end up doing I am thankful that God is full of grace. He will love me regardless of my successfulness (or lack there of). I am also thankful that I have so many blessings in my life from which to choose.

Assignment: Make your faith practice one that extends beyond 40 days and nights.

1 comment:

Nancy said...

We've been doing both of those for 10 months now. It's amazing what you can do when you have to.