Monday, January 18, 2010

Super Powers

I have not taken the time to figure out how many people stop in on this blog but I believe I have one loyal fan (Tom is such a good friend and partner!) and one or two other regulars. Because of the closeness of our group, I am going to trust you enough to share some possible crazy thoughts I have. These are not random – I have spent time on them. Please, do not judge me.

If I could be any animal in the world, I think I would be a house cat. I have many things in common with my house cat, Hurley. We both like to sleep a lot. We both are moody. We both express our indifference to things in a very public manner. Yet, we are both cute at times and when we do want to cuddle we commit to it fully.

If I could have any super power I would have the power to jump like my cat. There are times I find him on top of the refrigerator. How does he do this? I think I would like to be able to jump here and there like my cat does. I also would like to be able to do flips in mid-air. My cat does this from time to time when he is chasing his imaginary friend or trying to catch a fly. I always think: cool cat. Cool Cat!

If I could have another super power, I would like to know what people are thinking about me when I meet them. I would not use this power all the time because I think it might be hurtful to my feelings. But used on occasion, I think this gift could be helpful. This power would help me stop embarrassing myself and thus stop my suffering from the uncomfortable after taste of regret. I would like this power.

I would not want the ability to read minds all of the time. Sometimes I am in meetings or at social events and my mind takes a little vacation. I start thinking silly thoughts about the person speaking, what I am having for dinner, how bad my toe nail polish is chipping. I can only stop myself when I realize that there just might be someone in the room who can read my mind. I would be very embarrassed if this happened. I would not want that mind reading super power but I would welcome a special signal to let me know if someone in the room could read minds. That would help me know when to pay attention.

Thanks for listening . . . hey, you were listening right?

Assignment: Have some fun – share the super powers you wish you had.

Note to Tom: You do not have to post because we will play this game on our long drive up north this weekend. I know how much you love when I have us play these types of games. You had better start thinking about what animal you would be right now.


Lisa said...

I'd want to fly. I always have those dreams. Either that, or invisibity. Maybe I could be an invisible flyer!

Lisa said...
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