Family: Four straight days of Christmas Celebration followed by snow days with everyone trapped like rats in a science experiment equates to time with family. . . Mission SO Accomplished.
Friends: Squeaked in some quality friend time on Christmas evening and New Years Eve but I was nursing a sore throat and a house full of sick males when my annual “Chick Flick and Dinner” took place . . . Mission Nearly on Target.
Food: Cuban Chili, Corn Bread, Cheesy Scalloped Potatoes, Ham, London Broil, Almond Syrup Baked French Toast, Quiches, Fudge, etc, etc, etc . . . .Mission Accomplished to Perfection.
Books Read:
The Help: Charming characters teamed with a level of suspense means you want to read more. A pleasant interjection of history make The Help a perfect reading get away. You don’t have to have hours to spend on this book – it is a great pick up read for any woman. Note: This is 100% Southern Chick Lit.
The Private Lives of Pipi Lee: This book is not uplifting and at times a bit ‘been there done that’ with the sex, drugs, and spiraling out of control life style. However, when the writer focuses on Pipi at age 50 – and her relationship with her mother, husband, and children (especially her daughter) the book is haunting and thought provoking. It is in those honest moments that the reader (if a woman of an age to have aged mom, husband and grown children) will find herself reflecting on her own personal relationships.
The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society: A surprise read for this holiday break (thanks Megan!) and one that I will complete by end of day. Don’t let the title of this book fool you – this isn’t a cheeky Sweet Potato Pie adventure of the Housewives of This Place or That. This is a look a life on the Island of Guernsey (England) during World War II and the story (fictional) is told completely through letters. The story has some flaws but the two (yes, TWO) authors know how to mix history with compelling characters and I predict screenplay within two years.
Books Read: I had four on my list and a surprise entry was submitted mid-game. I was also distracted by SEVERAL old movies on TCM and Fox Classics. I completed three of the five books. . . .. Mission Malfunction.
Snowshoe: Yes! I found my way out of my hibernation pattern not once but twice this holiday vacation! The other days I walked on the treadmill in my new (Christmas gift) super cute workout clothes. You know, even if working out at home, looking good is feeling good and if that leads to my lazy butt on the treadmill even better. The day is far from over so there might (MIGHT) be a final vacation snowshoe in my near future. … Mission Accomplished!!
Assignment: Ease back into your reality . . . . Pat yourself on the back for doing something (anything) over these past few weeks. It is okay to be your own cheerleader once in a while and in these days of snow, cold, and blowing winds we all need a cheer or two.
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