Thursday, January 14, 2010


For most of America, I do not believe it is possible to fully understand the chaos and destruction that Haiti is experiencing at this time. I hope our world will unite in thoughts, prayers and action for the people of Haiti, the government of Haiti, the Mission work occurring in Haiti, and for those persons from around the world who were/are working and visiting Port-au-prince at this time. I cannot imagine the fear that these people are facing. Never mind the loss of an individual’s worldly possessions, but the fact that this earthquake creates a shortage of basic needs (food, water, shelter) combined with magnitude of lives lost. This is a time of true unknown for so many. It breaks my heart.

I believe something good can come from this. I am hopeful that, for at least a time, it will give our media something to rally our nation around beside the Conan/Leno/American Idol/Bachelor changes. I am seeing other nations quickly springing into action. I find hope in that. From what I understand, governmental/economic progress had been made in Haiti. I continue to hope that through the hard work of rebuilding, we continue to see progress in government and economy for these people. I know many American’s will rally together with prayers, money, and strong hands to be a part of the transformation.

Finally, I would like to share a rant on Rev. Pat Robertson. I truly wish that he would stop providing his interpretation of God’s actions on our earth. I am Christian. I believe in God. I do not believe in Rev. Robertson’s harsh and condemning comments based on a slave rebellion in 1791 Haiti. I believe that God has provided all with freedom of choice. I believe that God is full of Grace and Forgiveness. I believe that God does not allow or prevent bad things from happening in our world. Everything that occurs is an opportunity to grow closer or further from Christ. Everything that happens is an opportunity to build endurance and character.

Rev. Robertson’s comments would indicate that the people of Haiti have been secluded from God’s freewill since that ‘pack’ in 1791. His comments would indicate that I have done something better than the people of Haiti to have the blessings in my life. His comments are harsh, condemning and lacking in one of the most powerful tool’s faith has: hope. Where there is HOPE there is GOD. So please, Rev. Robertson do not speak on behalf of this Christian. We do not share the same vision of Christ.

Assignment: Lift your prayers for our world as we unite to save Haiti. If you are giving money, please make sure you give to secure sources (for example: Red Cross, Salvation Army, and Lutheran Brotherhood). And most importantly, be thankful for the many blessings God has given you – may you share them with others.

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