My Big Valentine and our little Valentines.
The combination of Sunday, Valentines Day, and my turn to do the Children’s Message at church sparked my interest. I have always heard the excuse for not celebrating the big V-Day was that it was an excuse to sell cards and candy between Christmas and Easter. Not so my friend. Not so.
Like many holidays celebrated in the world today, Valentines roots are found in a mix between pagan and Christian belief. The Christian perspective is where I will stay. In the 3rd Century, Roman Emperor Claudius II was forming his army. It was his thought that single guys made better soldiers than married men. So, in an effort to spread the love and make the world a little more peaceful, a priest named Valentine would go about performing secret wedding ceremonies.
This act didn’t set very well with the plans Claudius had so he imprisoned Valentine and executed him on February 4, 270. While in prison Valentine befriended the jailor’s blind daughter. It is believed that before his death, he restored her eye sight. He left her with a note reading “From your Valentine”.
On February 14 1537, King Henry VIII (yes, THAT King!) declared Saint Valentine an official church holiday. Saint Valentine’s Day was observed in the church until 1969. Apparently it was tired of competing with Hershey and Hallmark. Okay, I made the competition part up.
So that is Valentine’s Day: war, secret love, a miracle, the dangers of being married, and cards.
Assignment: Spread the love!
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