Monday, February 8, 2010

Super Sunday

This year Tom and I decided to treat the Super Bowl as if it were some sort of national holiday. We planned a huge dinner; ribs, corn bread, baked beans, slaw, twice baked potatoes, banana cream pie and (or) chocolate malts. We started cooking Saturday so our meal would be ready by midday on Sunday. It was a feast and by 2:00 we were all stuffed and ready for naps.

When game time finally rolled around we were ready for our first Super Bowl in high definition. Because this was a year in which the Lions did not qualify I was cheering for the Colts. Our house is a football house, and a Lion’s football house at that. I often have to come up with reasons to like one team over another for the Super Bowl because the Honolulu Blue and Silver never make the cut. Oh, the celebration that will occur when they finally do – I hope that I am alive to see that.

So, this year I selected the Colts. Here is my reasoning. I have been to Indianapolis a few times – it is a nice city. I like Payton Manning well enough. He is a great QB. He is tall. He is cute in his own way. Mostly, I like him because he is funny. Nothing against Drew and the guys from the Saints but if I heard one more person say, I am cheering for the underdog I was going to spit bile. Seriously, there was no underdog in this game – it was predicted to be a close one and a close one it was.

The game was good with the second half showing some excitement. The half-time show was better than I thought it would be, ole Roger can still carry a tune and Pete can still play. The commercials were entertaining, I enjoyed most of them. I have to say I my least favorite (outside of most of the car ads), were the Boost Mobile ads. They were strange in a bad way – and really done in poor quality. The Career Builder, Snickers and Bud commercials were great.

So, that was our Super Bowl – on a Super Sunday.

Assignment: Even if you find that today you are loser . . . . . . if you are not a Lion’s fan – you still come out ahead! Here's to the end of another emotional football season!

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