Friday, February 19, 2010

Chaning Times

Our school district, like countless others, is undergoing significant change. The difficult decision to close one (of three) elementary schools has been made. The report states that this will save our district a half million dollars. The population is dropping (rural Michigan –the worst state in the union!) so the forecasting indicates declining students.

The business side of my brain fully understands this change. All businesses are facing difficult decisions as they try to survive in this new economy. The way of doing business is shifting once again – and all careers are impacted. I understand this and know that the closing of this school will eventually become an accepted norm. The change will be hard but it will happen and people will grow comfortable with it. I know this to be true.

But the humanity side of my brain is very sad to see this closing. This is the school where our children finished elementary school. This is the school where Andy began to gain his confidence. He blossomed while at this school because of his 5th grade teacher’s belief in him. This is the school that rallied around Maddy when she was sick – pouring out their love and support for our family. Everyone at this school treated Maddy as herself – not a victim or an oddity – but they embraced her for who she is.

This school is a Golden Apple Award winner – twice! The principal, teachers, and supports staff are the kind of people you want teaching and influencing your children’s lives. Many will find a place in the district and that is good because you do not want to let go of this level of experience and talent but there will be costs involved. Our daughter Jess will be one of them. This is her first year of teaching in the district – next year she will join the hundreds of other unemployed teachers in our state.

Assignment: Pray for America’s Public Education System!

1 comment:

Lisa said...

"Sad" wasn't an option. I wanted to click the "Sad" box.