Saturday, February 13, 2010

Dam Book Club!!!!!!

I am a part of a book club with some amazing women. We all live near a dam so we call ourselves; the Dam Book Club. It is fun to get with these Dam Women every other month. Our evenings generally last about 4 hours with 30 minutes dedicated to the book we all just read. The group has women in their 20’s, 30’s, 40’s, 50’s and 60’s in it – so there is a lot of experience in that room. Because I live in a small town (love it!) many of the women are related in some way or another. That is a part of the small town appeal and one reason I try not to talk smack about others.

This past Friday was our meeting. Generally the hostess prepares a little something to eat with a lot of something to drink. Traditionally people bring things to add to the meal if they are able (reference my February 13 post on baking). This meeting I went to the trouble of purchasing cream cheese, tossing it in a bowl, topping it with cherry pepper jelly and bringing a box of crackers as my contribution. Yes, that is how I roll.

Holly Cats but if these women didn’t have a full on spread for us that night. Homemade breads, dips, and sweet treats were laid before me. The entrĂ©e was a selection of two soups: cheese or tomato. I had a ‘little’ of both. The drink of choice was wine and I think it best we do not count the bottles. A woman never counts and tells.

It was a joyful time. These women truly put the awe in awesome. They do it all; raise children, work full-time, plant gardens, can their harvest, mend and sew clothing, and they cook (and bake!). One or two of them have taken to making their own soaps. I hope I inherit those skills in heaven – that would be heavenly. Seriously – I mean that.

I grew up in a house where fried hamburger, boxed mac and cheese, and canned green beans were the meal de jour. I dream of being able to do it all but know my limitations enough to realize it is best if I pay others . . . .to help me . . . .do it all. I am such a capitalist!

Next book club meeting, our Dam Ladies are taking a road trip north to see the church where a nun’s body was discovered (murdered!). Going to be a good book and a good time – for sure!

Assignment: Appreciate the women in your life!

1 comment:

Lisa said...

Oh...that was sweet. And true!