Friday, February 26, 2010

Thinking of you Lisa!

Today my friend Lisa had knee surgery. She was skiing over Valentine’s Day weekend and she zigged when she should have zagged. She is an active young mom who is having a difficult time with this forced slow down.

Hang in there Lisa – many people are thinking and praying for a full recovery for you!

Assignment: Whenever life’s plans supersede your plans – there is a reason. Find the reason!

1 comment:

Lisa said...

Oh Nancy, thank you!!

I know it's a week later, but I needed this today. Earlier I was sitting in the chair trying to work and kept looking out the picture window at the sunshine. Soon I was in a full-fledged pitty party for Lisa. I want to run, I want to drive, I want to stop depending on everyone else and, to quote Josie, "Do it by self!"

I needed to read this today. Love ya!