I will start this post by spoiling the ending: everything is going to be okay.
It is no secret that our family has been passing this cold virus back and forth to each other. So when Maddy started complaining about a sore throat we all figured she had what we had. Perhaps she did at one point but when the complaints increased I thought it was time to call the doctor.
I made the appointment and Tom took her in for a check during my drive home tonight. I figured they would be in the doctor’s office for a while so I called Andy just to check in and see what he was up to. Imagine my surprise to be told they were all at the hospital because Maddy needed blood work.
The last time Maddy started at the doctor’s office and ended up across the street at the hospital for blood work – our lives were forever changed by the lymphoma diagnosis. My heart started racing a bit and I had a flash of that day in July when we learned the news. I called my husband but he wasn’t able to answer the phone. I recalled Andy and told him to have dad call me ASAP. I didn’t think (didn’t fully think that is) that this would be nearly as serious but still . . . .
Turns out Maddy’s glands are swollen but she didn’t test positive for strep so they wanted to make sure she didn’t have mono (which many other students do have right now). Her white counts came back a little high but it at this point; no strep, no mono, but a bacterial infection is what we are treating.
Assignment: Wash your hands to stay healthy from that common cold. Also, please say a prayer for all of moms and dads who learned their child’s diagnosis today. The battle is long and very difficult. Pray for strength and victory the evil known as cancer!
That picture is BEEEEEAUTIFUL! Did you take that?
She did - She took it herself. It is a good one isn't it :)
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