Tuesday, March 2, 2010

43 is just too young

The forty’s decade feels old. I have written it time and time again. Our bones ache when we wake up, our hair either changes color or falls out completely, and our faces start to take on the appearance of our parents. Yes, our forty’s seem old until we hear of a death.

Yesterday Tom and I attended a funeral for our niece’s husband. He was 43 years old. He was an active fisherman, a sports enthusiast, a loving father and husband. He was too young to die and Stephanie is too young to be a widow. Their boys are too young to spend the rest of their lives without their father.

A week ago he was given nine-twelve months – he died within a week. I hate cancer.

Assignment: Prayers for Stephanie and the boys because 43 is just too young.

1 comment:

Nancy said...

So sorry for your loss. Way too young!