Monday, March 15, 2010

Brace Yourself

My dentist wants me to consider braces. She is troubled by my overbite. I am sure her concern is coming from a kind place. She isn’t the first dentist to make this suggestion. I have heard it over and over through the years.

When I was a child we didn’t have insurance because my dad often didn’t work. As a result I didn’t go to the dentist or doctor much. There wasn’t really a need too go. I was a pretty healthy kid and I rarely had issues with my teeth. After I had grown, moved, and secured dental insurance I started going and continued to go every six month like clock work.

My teeth are not straight, they are naturally discolored, and I have an overbite. All that considered my teeth are really healthy. The numbers they call out during a cleaning are 2’s and 3’s – which is good.

So here I am, age 47 and nearly a grandmother for the first time, and my dentist wants me to consider braces to fix my bite. Ummm, I am 12 pounds overweight – so apparently I have learned to adapt for that bite.

I have been tempted to do this – I mean who DOESN’T want a perfect smile? But, I would need extensive braces that would cost thousands and be cemented to my teeth for years. The pain would be unbearable. Plus, if I am going to consider anything cosmetic – it is going to be filling in the lines around my eyes. The windows to this soul may be in need of a remodeling real soon.

Assignment: Smile!

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