Timeline for framework: August 10th – 19th
Wednesday: Woke to find that our yard had been toilet papered (TP) over night. It was a very neat and clean job. We were sure it was some of Andy’s female friends wishing him goodbye and good luck in college. How cute. Andy, wake up and clean this up.
Thursday: Officially spend 1 zillion dollars on all the college must haves for the freshman year.
Friday: Pack, Pack, re-pack, pack. Then we all gather for a family dinner.
Saturday: Tom, Maddy, and I take Andy to college and I don’t cry on campus! I do, however cry at the most unexpected times throughout the day and week.
Sunday: Oh, those funny friends of Andy’s – the TP our house again. This time the ‘fork’ us to. Sorry, Andy is gone so we have to clean this up. Then we have to drive back to college to bring the things that we couldn’t get in the car the day before . . .guess what you call two parents, on campus, the day after load in, sitting in the dorm hall for nearly an hour because their son can’t be reached . . . ? Okay, we will be PC and call it ‘awkward’.
Monday: Listen, you stupid little punks . . . .Stop toilet papering, forking, and destroying our yard. It takes me an hour to clean up while I am crying. Then I go to work and it is a full day of Monday!
Tuesday: Tom has a birthday today. He is 56 and still a full on hottie. We have cheesecake to celebrate. Good day!
Wednesday: Not sleeping much this week because I am listening for the TP to begin. It suddenly catches up to me and I go to bed at 8:30. Maddy has spots.
Thursday: My car’s computer system is sounding the alarm and our service friend tells me not to drive it. He can’t see it till next Tuesday. I get to drive the car the kids’ grandma gave them. It is teal. It has roll down windows. There is a hole in the muffler. The air doesn’t work. Right, I know, I am lucky to have an extra car to use so don’t judge me if I sound ungrateful.
Maddy’s spots are MRSA. Let me go on record, if there is/was anything that is to be gotten then Maddy will be the one to get it: colic, night terrors, cancer, mono, MRSA . . . Poor Maddy the medical magnet. Good thing she is one tough kid who can strike fear in the strongest among us. Don’t mess with Maddy.
Friday: Jake’s in town! Jake’s in town! The kids bring Max
to my office for a visit. We all met up after work for the West Michigan screening of www.hankfrisco.com and dinner with family and friends. Our friends the Morrison’s drink and ditch (not really but they think they did which is so cute). Family, friends, food, film – good ending to the week.
P.S: Jake is my son. He is my oldest son. He is a great man who is making Chicago his home. He is funny, creative, faithful, and caring. Visit the Hank Frisco website and support the creative efforts of this cheeky, cheesy, and clever webisode.
And, that was my week.
Assignment: The sun will come out tomorrow, betcha bottom dollar that tomorrow there’ll be sun.
P.S: As I complete this entry the sky’s break open and the rain begins. We are having a full on thunder storm on a Saturday morning: A rare and wonderful gift to be home, with no plans, and a thunder storm. I love it. Who needs the sun coming out to make a good day!?
Never a dull moment with the Brozeks! As I read "The sun will come out..." the thunder rolled! Thanks again for last night. We had a blast. Probably the best night of the summer for me. (That just might say something about my life) All the best to Jake!!
P.S. You forgot to mention the one-armed man.
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