The mood was similar to Christmas morning, my Halloween plans were a plenty and I needed to get an early start. I went downstairs to learn that our house was the target of a Devil’s Night prank. We had been TP’ed and our cars were sporting holiday appropriate orange ribbons. Our children have told us that this is a sign of popularity because only friends do this to other friend’s homes. I am now on a personal campaign to end most of their friendships. I think I can do it – I have stories!
The weather was another foe trying to upend my perfect Halloween plans. If I were to write, “It was a dark and stormy morning” I don’t think I would be underplaying the magnitude of the weather we were experiencing. Plus, that sets the tone for a chillingly good Halloween story so that is where we will begin . . . . .
Megan and Brian Dressed Up As Parents this year
It was a dark and stormy morning, and soon our house would be invaded by children. Megan and Brian borrowed all of the nephews and nieces in the family and drove them up for the morning. The original plan was a hands-on trip to the near by farmer market. We would pick out pumpkins, visit the petting barn, bother Andy while he tried to work, and take a couple of spins on the Boo-Train. Perfect entertainment for the 5 children under the age of 7 coming to our home at 9:00 AM! But the weather had other plans – and was the second trick of the day.
If nothing else, I am pretty fast on my feet so an improvised change took place. We had donuts and cider around the table. We then painted miniature pumpkins. Then the most peculiar thing occurred. The children lined up by size and formed a Conga Line complete with the official Conga Line “da-ta, da-ta, da-da” song and dance around the house. I have no idea where this came from but it was hilarious. Why do we have to out-grow things like this? The world would be a much better place if we could just spontaneously break out in song or dance. People would join in – I am sure of it.
After this group left we had some down time before our neighbors were expected for their scheduled Trick or Treat Stop! By the way, thanks Marge, Amy and Lisa for giving me this gift!
Josie, Ellie, Brooke and Zack stop in for a visit and Treats
We also had a surprise visit from Maddy and her friends on their way to a Halloween Party.
Maddy and Friends
Then after all small children we nestled in their beds with visions of costumes dancing in their heads, it was grown-up time. Our friends Susie and Brian came over for a late meal and a lot of talk about football.
Susie and Brian
Plans complete – my needs had been met on all levels: family, friends, food, and fun. This truly was the third best Halloween idea I have ever had!
Assignment: I dare you to form a Conga Line today!