Wednesday, November 11, 2009


A few months ago my satellite radio stopped working. Because of my disintegrating short-term memory this only presented a problem twice a day; going to and coming home from work. Once I finally reached my destination it was as if I hadn’t a care in the world and as a result I never got the radio fixed.

Being a ‘glass half-full’ kind of gal I found this a wonderful opportunity to reconnect with local radio. The morning shows could be cheeky plus I was able to listen to area news and traffic reports. Coming home was a bit more challenging but in the spirit of supporting the local efforts – I drove on! I have heard that advertising is suffering because of satellite radio and MP3 Players but I think it is doing very well in Western Michigan. I heard a lot of commercials and many of them run over and over again. However, that frequent advertising rotation has NOTHING on the replay of songs on local radio.

I am not a music snob. I am ecliptic in my taste. I can butcher the words to a Britney song just as easily as an Eagles or Beatles tune. But I do not understand why stations play the same song so many times each day. Plus, after a month, those cheeky morning shows – not so cheeky or funny or fresh. After a month of radio I had a clearer understanding of why road rage happens.

So now I listen to books. This is a doubly good treat because it means a bi-weekly trip to the local library. When the story is good I don’t want the drive to end. When the story is slow I think how happy I am not to be physically reading it. I get to experiment with books I would never find time to read before bed. Plus, I get to have a story read to me. I love having stories read aloud! Most recently I am listening to a book that debuted this summer, Sweetness at the Bottom of the Pie. I am on the 7th of 8 disks and I am looking forward to my commute in the morning to hear how it all turns out.

At this rate, I figure I have about three more months of library books before I have to remember to write myself a note to get my satellite radio fixed.

Assignment: Support your local library!