This is Maddy. She is my daughter and a regular feature of past blog postings. This year Maddy decided to join the high school track team. Maddy has always wanted to be a part of a school sports team but bless her little heart; she isn’t a natural athlete. She has tried out for teams and narrowly missed the final cut. This winter she decided that track would be her answer.
One of her sister’s was a track star back in her high school and college days. One of her brothers also ran. Her father and I are former runners. This year, her brother Andy decided to drop golf for track so Maddy said this was her year too.
She is learning a very important lesson. She is learning that sports aren’t recreational – to be an athlete takes time, practice, and determination. She is learning that in order to run a full mile she has to log many miles throughout the week. She is learning that being a part of a team is being part of something larger than you. Being a team unites a group in focus, spirit, and friendship.
Maddy isn’t the fastest runner on the team. In truth, her mile time is nearly a minute off the other girls. That means that Maddy is often the only person running on track at the end of the race. But she never stops.
For Maddy the race isn’t about winning. It isn’t about having the fastest time. It is about believing in yourself. It is about working so hard to accomplish a dream that you will endure being the last person still running on the track. It is about discovering that your team members and coaches love you, cheer for you, and are a part of achieving your goal.
When Maddy finishes her mile and catches her breath she puts on her sweats and takes her position along the sideline so she can cheer on her team. Maddy’s team!
Assignment: Remember while each step brings you closer to your goal – but you have to commit to taking that first step.
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