Tuesday, August 24, 2010


At 5:00 AM I heard the shower running. Andy didn't feel well and thought a shower would help. At 7:00 AMI heard the bath filling. Andy said he had the flu and sitting in the water felt good. He then told me his 'self-healing' plans for the day. It was at this moment I knew I was needed at home:

Me: "Andy, do you want me to stay home with you today?"
Andy: "Mom, I would love it but can you?"
Me: "Hello Bruce . . . .(my very understanding boss)"

So I am home with my man-child son. He is running a fever and sleeping heavily. He has already ingested enough water to sustain a small ocean mammal. He will soon be better, in fact, to quote Maddy: "Well, at least we know he will feel better in 24 hours". That is good because Friday is our first game (oh, the pressure on his body and the true concern for his health as long as it doesn't impact football)

I think it best I stayed home, I would have hated to have him shave his head just because he was hot or take an over-the-counter just because he liked the color of the box. His 'self-healing plan' was a bit alarming.

Assignment: NO matter the age of your child - if you have a chance to be 'mommy' again. . .DO IT!

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