Saturday, August 1, 2009

Pride, Prejudice, and Zombies

Warning: There are a few spoilers in this post.

This morning was nearly perfect. I woke early to overcast skies and was immediately relieved to shed any guilt I might have in finishing the book I have been reading here and there over the past month. And so I did. I lay in bed listening to the wind and read the final third of Pride, Prejudice and Zombies, by Jane Austin and Seth Grahame-Smith. Sounds like a perfect Saturday morning, right?

And so it was until Tom asked if I liked the book. Okay, I admit it, the addition of Zombies – genius entertainment. How can you not like plagued Charlotte proclaiming her entitlement to a proper beheading and burial? Or smile while reading about Elizabeth and Mr. Darcy’s celebration of love while taking down a dozen cauliflower-grazing undead. The undead thought the cauliflower were discarded brains –obvious error for undead. That is funny stuff – and the hope that a knock down-drag out zombie battle is what kept me reading. Seriously, Jane Austin – what I am I missing here with you babe? Okay, you are literary legend and I am committing blasphemy to many but really let’s all be honest. You are boring! Snorefest with a capital Zzzzz!

I understand the irony of a woman writing about a time when a gal’s goal in life was to be married. I get the injustice that her husband-to-be not only got a wife but a pretty hefty financial settlement too. I dig that Elizabeth was different and she wanted more –only to realize that love was truly her pathway. Okay, I will give you that – good irony – clever but get to the point will you Jane!

I could not have lived in this time of back-stabbing politeness. A time when everyone spoke much more than needed. Social climbing, judgmental, passive-aggressive, fakes the whole lot of them. Man, am I glad times have changed (that’s more irony for you folks).

Read Below for the Lesson Learned: You Assignment

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