Sunday, August 2, 2009

Empty Nest

Now that our ‘babies’ are teens (15 & 16) it isn’t uncommon for Tom and I to have Empty Nest Weekends. This weekend was no exception. Our scheduled weekend plans of a family canoe trip were changed so Andy and Maddy left us for sleepovers at friend’s homes. Generally we don’t do anything with these alone time opportunities but this past weekend we Empty Nested like we were dating again. Please when reading this know that it is okay to feel jealous – I would feel jealous if I were reading it from you. That is what friends do when they hear good news, they feel envy, and we are very good friends.

Tom and I have been together for nearly 22 years and we have worked hard on our relationship. Relationships, for anyone who walks upright and takes full advantage of their opposable thumbs, are seldom balanced. There are many give & take, ups & downs, and wins & loses – and that is just a Monday (insert a snare drum right about now. . . . “Ba-da-dat”).

I am not really sure what a perfect relationship is but I can tell you that after all this time together – I really like Tom. He is my friend. He makes me feel happy. He laughs at my jokes and likes when I roll my eyes at his. He pampers me and caters to my ‘inner-queen’ (most of the time). But mostly, and I think this is really very important, I can travel with him, spend hours with him, and be alone with him and in the end I still like him. I love many people, but I have an expiration date on how much consecutive time I can spend with someone. Tom has a long expiration date. He is like my own personal “Twinkie”: long self live, kinda bad for you, . . . . but oh so good (especially warmed up for a few seconds in the microwave).

We started our Empty Nest Weekend with an ‘early dinner – late lunch’ at a chain seafood restaurant. Now, this was a HUGE gift from Tom because he hates this place. It is kinda cheesy, the food is okay, and it is a chain (which I promise we don’t do often). It has been at least 20 years since we have been to this brand but their stupid commercials just created a longing in me. I had a rough week so Tom said, “Nancy, I am taking you to . . . .”. I thought he was doing a little mocking but really it was him giving in to the marketing junkie that I am. How can you not love a guy for that?

We followed the meal with the movie Funny People (super good and you can read about it on Jake’s Blog). Then on our way to get an ice cream we drove by. . . .(Wait, back that up. You did read that right: meal, movie, AND ice cream) . . . . We drove by a little mini-golf place and I said “Wouldn’t that be fun”. The next thing you know, Tom is beating me in a highly competitive game of mini-golf. (At this time I feel I must insert an editor’s note: This was a spontaneous game of mini-golf therefore I was in heals. Tom only beat me by 9 stokes because I blew 3 holes. I believe the heals actually negate at least 5 of those 9 stokes so I narrowly lost to him. Thank you.)

We topped the evening with ice cream while sitting at the beach watching a sailboat try to beat the twister like winds as it made its way into the channel. It was a great evening. Then, because this is a whole weekend of Empty Nesting, today we took the top off the Jeep and drove the back roads into Pentwater for a late lunch. As I read this, I wonder if we sound more like a really old couple instead of dating again? It doesn’t matter, because the point is we just spent 48 hours together without talking about our children, sharing many laughs, and I still like the guy. Yes, I think we are going to make it together!

Your Assignment: Spend some time with someone you like!

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