Tuesday, August 18, 2009


A few years ago I heard a story that stuck with me. A mom was stressing out trying to make sure her children had three well-balanced meals a day. The children were stressing out because they wanted to eat junk food. Under the close supervision of a doctor, an experiment was conducted. For two weeks the children were allowed to eat whatever they wanted - whenever they wanted. I seem to recall that for the first two days, the son ate nothing but cookies. The daughter also indulged but her cookie spree lasted only one day.

As difficult as this was for the mom, the doctor assured her that eventually the children would self-select healthier choices. Just as predicted, the children did start adding fruits, vegetables, dairy, and proteins to their food intake. The experiment proved that our bodies will eventually crave those things that are good for us. In the end, the family found balance. The mom learned that sweet treats are not the end of the world and the children learned that good things come in moderation.

I share this story because I feel like the little boy who had unlimited cookies. This summer I have indulged in impulses and filled every free moment for our family. It has been an amazing summer and I am happy for all that we have and will continue to experience. But, like that little boy, I am craving balance and look forward to a school schedule, quite evenings and Saturday’s with nothing to do.

Assignment: Too much of a good thing may prove unhealthy. Find balance in your life.