Monday, August 10, 2009

Rants, Ravings and Ramblings

Rants, Ravings, and Ramblings

Today was a great reminder that a person doesn’t have to be at work to have a bad Monday. Nothing serous happened but nothing ‘planned’ happened either. I had taken the day off because I was supposed to be returning home from a short trip to Ohio so our daughter could help celebrate her friend’s 16th birthday. The party was moved to another date but I decided to keep the day off anyway. I seldom have a day at home without someone being here and I was really looking forward to it starting with one of my favorite things: a late Sunday night. I love when everyone is in bed but I am still up watching a sappy movie or reading a book. Last night everything was on schedule except my body. One chapter into the book and I was asleep. It was only 11 and I was going to bed – on a rare and special late Sunday night. Me thinks this is an omen!

This morning, thanks in part to my age and the humidity, I woke at 5:30 AM and had a very hard time falling back asleep. Scratch ‘sleeps in’ off the list and get up to do some light chores before my workout. I have been lifting weights since summer began. I am trying to get back into shape. Okay, I am in a shape right now but I am trying to change it from a round, soft mass to something leaner. Today’s workout was a good one for my legs. They got all Jell-O-like shortly after I wrapped so that is a good sign. I think I have a lot of muscle under all this flesh. I bet if I lost 20lbs or more I would look like Madonna.

Then it was off for a super special treat, a movie by myself. This is so rare that both Andy and Maddy independently asked, “Why would you go to a movie by yourself?” Silly innocent children – they are why I would go to a movie by myself. I drove the 30 miles into town but started to get a funny feeling when I noticed all the traffic lights had stopped working and the roads were closed. Yes, last night’s storm had caused a whole community to lose power, tree limbs, and business for today. I am still unclear why this wasn’t mentioned on the news but it wasn’t. I did call the Theater just to check and see if I would have gotten a message that they are closed. Here’s a (hard) lesson to learn in a world of cell-phones - when a phone just rings it means no power.

I may be down, but I am not out yet. Being the think-on-my-feet kinda gal that I am, I decided to visit a very special Bistro/Bakery in the area. This is a true rare treat for me because this establishment is only open from 8-6 each day. I wanted to pick up something sweet for our treat tonight (please feel free to insert any comment about my muscles being hidden by my extra poundage in this space). I walked in and the place was still crowded after the noon rush was over – that is a great sign. I celebrated this businesses success and I am proud that I have turned my missed Meryl movie opportunity into a super cool new plan. I head to the counter. I wait. No problem, they are busy and there are only two waitresses for the little eight tabled Bistro – so I understand. I go to the restroom and return to the counter. A lovely young waitress is face to face with me. She is busy tabulating the cost of a customer’s bill (it was $11.84) so I wait for her to acknowledge me and say, I will be right with you. I have decided that I will not be the aggressor today – after all, I want to give them my money. I felt like Julia Roberts in Pretty Woman (sans the thigh-high boots). I have all this money . . . . and no one will take it. The waitress turns and walks away. I turn and head for the door.

Worry not for my spirit will not be crushed. I still have a great opportunity to visit my mom on a rare Monday afternoon. Her Assisted Living is crazy busy and I am kinda hoping everything is going okay inside because it appears there are a lot of professional medical cars in the parking lot. Turns out this is what life is like on a Monday for this community so I am relieved and now I hope that my mom is awake.

I feel it important to share two funny little stories here. As I was walking to the door a daughter was outside entertaining the residents with friendly conversation. This woman looked to be in her 40’s-50’s. She had just asked a resident her name (Clarisse - pretty right?) and was trying to tell her name to good-old Claire. She just kept yelling, “My name is Elisabeth, Elisabeth!!!” By the time I was to the doors I could see in the reflection that Elisabeth was now shouting in poor, sweet, old Claire’s ear! Let me tell you something about Alzheimer’s – people with it have selected hearing AND when there is confusion/chaos/or a person actually YELLING IN YOUR EAR it is 1,000 times worse.

Here is another thing that struck me about Elisabeth. She was wearing white sports socks and sandals. Perhaps there is a justifiable reason to do this but I can not think of it. To me this screams Commitment Phobia. Either it is nice enough to commit to sandals or you put on socks and shoes – there is no gray with this selection. If I am wrong, please someone explain it to me.

Then, as walking to mom’s room I overheard two old ladies having a fight. Lady One said “With all the cussing God is not going to take you to heaven when it is time to go”. Clearly Lady One is not Lutheran (can I get a shout out for Grace!). I also wondered the effectiveness of this threat at their age. I wonder if it creates fear or if they forget the whole conversation within an hour. I didn’t really hear Lady Two but I have decided she probably was uttering “go to hell’ under her breath.

Mom was up and let me stay for nearly 5 minutes today – she knew my name and liked that I brought her Sprite so it was a good way to end the afternoon. She didn’t raise no dummy so I decided to end the adventure on a high note.

Lesson: Don’t wear white sports socks with sandals – just don’t do it.

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