At 5:00 AM I heard the shower running. Andy didn't feel well and thought a shower would help. At 7:00 AMI heard the bath filling. Andy said he had the flu and sitting in the water felt good. He then told me his 'self-healing' plans for the day. It was at this moment I knew I was needed at home:
Me: "Andy, do you want me to stay home with you today?"
Andy: "Mom, I would love it but can you?"
Me: "Hello Bruce . . . .(my very understanding boss)"
So I am home with my man-child son. He is running a fever and sleeping heavily. He has already ingested enough water to sustain a small ocean mammal. He will soon be better, in fact, to quote Maddy: "Well, at least we know he will feel better in 24 hours". That is good because Friday is our first game (oh, the pressure on his body and the true concern for his health as long as it doesn't impact football)
I think it best I stayed home, I would have hated to have him shave his head just because he was hot or take an over-the-counter just because he liked the color of the box. His 'self-healing plan' was a bit alarming.
Assignment: NO matter the age of your child - if you have a chance to be 'mommy' again. . .DO IT!
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
Monday, August 23, 2010
Happy New Monday
This will be a better week. This will be a better week. This will be a better week. I am clicking my shoes together while saying this.
Last week was a highly stressful week at work (project deadlines). On the upside, I spent the weekend cleaning my house (very calming) and it looks great.
This will be a better week . . . .
Assignment: Positive thinking!
Last week was a highly stressful week at work (project deadlines). On the upside, I spent the weekend cleaning my house (very calming) and it looks great.
This will be a better week . . . .
Assignment: Positive thinking!
Thursday, August 19, 2010
It is in the AIR!
Can you feel it? Tonight is the first Football Scrimage for the season. Oh how I have missed high school football. This is a special year for us: Andy is a senior.
Assignment: A year of many lasts has just begun.
Assignment: A year of many lasts has just begun.
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
Worst Mom - EVER!
I think that Maddy, being our last child, has turned me into a dolt. I seem to allow things that I would never have considered with our other children. I believe this past year I have official entered the "Worst Mom - Ever" contest and I might actually win.
1. Maddy was invited to Florida for Spring Break. I really thought this was a great idea. I strongly encouraged her to go. She did not feel comfortable going with these friends. Perhaps it was because these friends were both boys! Brothers to be accurate - and for the record - the parents, whom I know and trust, were also going. I had close friends who were boys in high school - I would have gone to Florida with their family if asked. Bad mom for encouraging a daughter to go to another state with boys! I have seen Springer; most of those stories come from Florida.
2. Maddy had a sore throat the Saturday she was to leave for Mission Trip. I was talked into letting her go - against my better judgment. They were going to North Carolina for the Mission Trip. When they reached Tennessee the throat wasn't getting better so they went to a medi-center. They tested her and diagnosed it as mono. I think they were wrong or it was a very low case of mono. However, she was sick and I shouldn't have lisened to others and made her stay home. Terrible week for me (she had fun) so that was my punishment I guess.
3. Maddy turned 16 this year. She wanted a tattoo. Not a rainbow, sun, or dolphin jumping from a wave (no offense but really for a 16 year old – you know); no, she wanted a memory. She wanted the date of her cancer diagnosis and the date of her remission. This was a tense and very long discussion in our home. Here she is with the tat. Sexy Bob did the artwork. Yeap that was his name: Sexy Bob.

I am sure there are many other Worst Mom stories that have happened over the past 8 months - and we still have 4 more to go. In fact, I know there are more stories but I am worn down so num that I can't remember them all. I am starting to blur between the right/wrong of parenting. I should set a date for my crown fitting and find a nice dress to accept my award.
Assignment: Dr. Spock. . Calling Dr. Spock! Why didn't you write a care and feeding book for teens!
1. Maddy was invited to Florida for Spring Break. I really thought this was a great idea. I strongly encouraged her to go. She did not feel comfortable going with these friends. Perhaps it was because these friends were both boys! Brothers to be accurate - and for the record - the parents, whom I know and trust, were also going. I had close friends who were boys in high school - I would have gone to Florida with their family if asked. Bad mom for encouraging a daughter to go to another state with boys! I have seen Springer; most of those stories come from Florida.
2. Maddy had a sore throat the Saturday she was to leave for Mission Trip. I was talked into letting her go - against my better judgment. They were going to North Carolina for the Mission Trip. When they reached Tennessee the throat wasn't getting better so they went to a medi-center. They tested her and diagnosed it as mono. I think they were wrong or it was a very low case of mono. However, she was sick and I shouldn't have lisened to others and made her stay home. Terrible week for me (she had fun) so that was my punishment I guess.
3. Maddy turned 16 this year. She wanted a tattoo. Not a rainbow, sun, or dolphin jumping from a wave (no offense but really for a 16 year old – you know); no, she wanted a memory. She wanted the date of her cancer diagnosis and the date of her remission. This was a tense and very long discussion in our home. Here she is with the tat. Sexy Bob did the artwork. Yeap that was his name: Sexy Bob.
I am sure there are many other Worst Mom stories that have happened over the past 8 months - and we still have 4 more to go. In fact, I know there are more stories but I am worn down so num that I can't remember them all. I am starting to blur between the right/wrong of parenting. I should set a date for my crown fitting and find a nice dress to accept my award.
Assignment: Dr. Spock. . Calling Dr. Spock! Why didn't you write a care and feeding book for teens!
Monday, August 16, 2010
Tom's Birthday
Today is Tom's Birthday. He officially qualifies for the "Retired" rate for golf. He isn't 62 - not even close - but I guess in the world of golf double nickels are considered old.
In celebration of Tom's birthday and in need of some peaceful R&R after the wedding last week, the bath remodel all summer, and life in general; we did an overnight in a very well-known hotel about an hour away.
To set the stage for this story, a year ago we did a weekend away at this same hotel. The room next to us was full of drunk boys who had many drunk girls visiting them. I do not know how young people this age could afford such a place, perhaps it was that they crammed 1 Zillion people into the room and split the cost. Anywho, I had to complain - 3 times - throughout the night. It was ugly but in the morning they took a HUGE percentage off our bill and gave us a free overnight stay. Very kind of this hotel - truly great customer service!
This is the stay we used this weekend to celebrate Tom's birthday. When I booked the room the registration lady was very nice and told me to ask for an upgrade when we checked it. She was going to note this in the registration So, in passing I did that but it wasn't needed because for some reason - I have no idea why - they put us in an Executive Suite. A honest-to-goodness Executive Suite. HOLY CATS! HOLY CATS! HOLY CATS!
Not only was this an Executive Suite (the size of the entire first floor of our home) here is a small list of some of the people that also slept in that suite: President Bush 1, President Bush 2, and Jack Nickolaus (of whom Tom was most impressed). Yes, they all slept, showered, and walked the same carpet as we did this weekend.
Assignment: HOLY CATS! Happy Birthday Tom!
Walking down the hall, we kept looking for our room - um, WOW
Fresh Ice in the Ice Bucket when we checked in - refreshed again when we returned from going out to dinner
Soft Robes
Waiting for us when we returned from dinner
Yes, a GRAND FATHER CLOCK that chimed every 15 minutes
The sitting room
Do you think the Bush Family is bragging that the Brozek's slept here?
In celebration of Tom's birthday and in need of some peaceful R&R after the wedding last week, the bath remodel all summer, and life in general; we did an overnight in a very well-known hotel about an hour away.
To set the stage for this story, a year ago we did a weekend away at this same hotel. The room next to us was full of drunk boys who had many drunk girls visiting them. I do not know how young people this age could afford such a place, perhaps it was that they crammed 1 Zillion people into the room and split the cost. Anywho, I had to complain - 3 times - throughout the night. It was ugly but in the morning they took a HUGE percentage off our bill and gave us a free overnight stay. Very kind of this hotel - truly great customer service!
This is the stay we used this weekend to celebrate Tom's birthday. When I booked the room the registration lady was very nice and told me to ask for an upgrade when we checked it. She was going to note this in the registration So, in passing I did that but it wasn't needed because for some reason - I have no idea why - they put us in an Executive Suite. A honest-to-goodness Executive Suite. HOLY CATS! HOLY CATS! HOLY CATS!
Not only was this an Executive Suite (the size of the entire first floor of our home) here is a small list of some of the people that also slept in that suite: President Bush 1, President Bush 2, and Jack Nickolaus (of whom Tom was most impressed). Yes, they all slept, showered, and walked the same carpet as we did this weekend.
Assignment: HOLY CATS! Happy Birthday Tom!
Sunday, August 15, 2010
This afternoon I went for a bike ride. I was given a new bike for Mother's Day and sadly I haven't ridden it nearly enough this summer. Today the humidity finally broke, I had nothing on my 'to-do' schedule, and I felt the need to peddle. So - peddle I did.
As I was returning home I passed my neighbor. She was riding a horse. I still find joy in living in a place where the corn grows tall, the deer run free, and I can pass a neighbor riding her horse. I am one lucky gal!
Assignment: The humidity will be gone this week - go outside and play!
Sunday, August 8, 2010
Last night was our daughter Jessica's wedding. It was a great party full of family and friends. I have a zillion stories and photos to share as time goes by but for now. . . .if I might share . . . .. .
Last night I fell deeply, madly, and truly in love with my husband all over again.

Father of the Bride Toast
The Father/Son-in-law heart to heart
Jess is Daddy's Little Girl
My heart was melting with happiness and love watching this dance
Assignment: Fall in Love - all over again! Congrats Jess and DJ
Last night I fell deeply, madly, and truly in love with my husband all over again.
Assignment: Fall in Love - all over again! Congrats Jess and DJ
Friday, August 6, 2010
Photo Friday
Wednesday, August 4, 2010
A Chair for Max
Each year our local library has a fundraiser called A Little Chair-ity. Local artists (and folks like me) paint children’s chairs to be auctioned off to raise money to purchase new children’s books. I have done it a few times and really enjoyed giving back in this manner when I have the time.
My daughter Megan has bid on a few of the chairs that I have painted. Interestingly enough, she hasn’t won because the bidding ended up growing out of her price range. I think she has a very low price range but still I am flattered. When Megan was pregnant with our first grandchild she asked if I would paint a chair once baby was born.
Sweet Baby Max was born on May 20th so the image for the chair was clear: Where the Wild Things Are was exactly what I wanted this little boy growing up reading and sitting on while he read.
He recently had his Holy Baptism and we gave him this chair as his gift.
Assignment: Encourage reading for the children in your life.
Oh come on - painting is the least I could do for this little cutie.
I had to change this just a bit from the book - I don't want to infringe on copywrite law
I like how little Max is in grey skis as he sails away but the jungle of his imagination is full of blue skies.

This is my favorite monster in the book - I think he is really Max. I love this story and I hope my sweet little Max grows up loving it too!
My daughter Megan has bid on a few of the chairs that I have painted. Interestingly enough, she hasn’t won because the bidding ended up growing out of her price range. I think she has a very low price range but still I am flattered. When Megan was pregnant with our first grandchild she asked if I would paint a chair once baby was born.
Sweet Baby Max was born on May 20th so the image for the chair was clear: Where the Wild Things Are was exactly what I wanted this little boy growing up reading and sitting on while he read.
He recently had his Holy Baptism and we gave him this chair as his gift.
Assignment: Encourage reading for the children in your life.
This is my favorite monster in the book - I think he is really Max. I love this story and I hope my sweet little Max grows up loving it too!
Monday, August 2, 2010
Bathroom Makeover
We moved into our home on our first anniversary (May 1991). Our home is a lovely Gentleman’s Farmhouse that was built in the late 1800’s. You would think, with a definition of this nature, our home would have been filled with the charm and wonder of yesteryear. Nope. Our house was filled with the tactful décor of “The Chicken Ranch”. We had deep red shag carpet, dark paneling, plastic field stone, and a lovely green and white Eiffel Tower motif throughout the home. To be honest, I had no idea why Tom wanted to buy this place. It took several visits and a vivid imagination before I finally saw the light.
Since that first night we have been in various stages of remodel. When we did our bathroom (the only one in our home) didn’t have any money, four children with a 5th on the way, and so we needed a fast cosmetic fix. A little paint, some 90’s wallpaper and then we settled. We settled year after year putting off a final official make over because it just didn’t seem important. That lack of importance made this room one of the ugliest eyesores I have ever seen in my life.
Today I am happy to announce that we have officially completed our bathroom remodel and in doing so – our house is 100% the way we want it. Assignment: Enjoy these before photos!

We had already taken our sink out. It was a tan colored 'marble' top with 2 sinks and super ugly handles. The vanity was painted green. Very circa 1970 with a twist of 1995.
Tom is an Engineer. Look at his fancy figures. This is how the professionals do it folks.
Since that first night we have been in various stages of remodel. When we did our bathroom (the only one in our home) didn’t have any money, four children with a 5th on the way, and so we needed a fast cosmetic fix. A little paint, some 90’s wallpaper and then we settled. We settled year after year putting off a final official make over because it just didn’t seem important. That lack of importance made this room one of the ugliest eyesores I have ever seen in my life.
Today I am happy to announce that we have officially completed our bathroom remodel and in doing so – our house is 100% the way we want it. Assignment: Enjoy these before photos!
Bathroom Makeover After
Enjoy these After photos of our bathroom remodel. You may ask, Nancy why didn't you put these all on one post? Why is this set up so silly? That is a valid couple of questions my friend. Very valid indeed. Truth is,my computer wouldn't let me add any additional photos to my last post - I don't know why! So I had to get creative.
I really wanted orange as our color but I was fearful that it would be too much.
Then I wanted a Victorian Pink but Tom said no.
We liked purple. When the sunshines in the morning it is beautiful!
I love my new bathroom. Thank you Tom for working so hard to make this happen.
Hum, nothing left to remodel so now what will we do . . . ?
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