Sunday, December 9, 2012

I Must Confess - I like Cheese

Let me begin this week’s entry with a disclaimer. What you are about to read may sound like it is coming from the mind of an art snob, but trust me, that isn’t the case. This post may be dangerously close to the insult fault-line but remember this; I sought each of these occasions out personally. I spent time and money to willingly and eagerly attend so what this is in fact is a confession for my love of cheese.

I love cheesy things. Nachos notwithstanding, I recently realized that I crave cheesy entertainment. It began with Weird Al Yankovic at an outdoor concert in the 1980’s. I don’t remember much of this concert. I wasn’t under any influence, I simply just wasn’t overwhelmed. He was entertaining, I am sure. I have to guess I laughed a little, but the only memory that really stands out is a woman in the crowd with a haircut I really liked.

That’s the fun of cheesy entertainment, you never know if you are going to truly love it, cringe, cry, or slink to the back of the room hoping not to be seen.

The next, “I HAVE TO GET TICKETS TO THIS” concert was Gallagher. There was a large group of us going to this one. We had tickets in the front few rows of the show. The real threat zone, because a smashing watermelon is Gallagher’s signature move. Back in these days, I had to be to work at 6:00 A.M. (a key reason I hate mornings so much today), and this was a weeknight concert. I remember he had a lot of sight gags and it was a long show. It was a very long show. I feel asleep for a while but awoke in time for the signature move, so worry not.

For Trans-Siberian Orchestra, we traveled through a snow blizzard to attend this sold out performance. I love rock and roll (cue Joan Jett) and I love Christmas, so a band that plays rock and roll Christmas music is, well . . .let’s just say it. It is a Christmas Miracle. The music that you hear on the radio is even more awesome when heard performed live. These hairband throwbacks swing their golden locks round with pure abandonment. Everything is going perfectly and then for the second act, they break into songs you DON’T HEAR ON THE RADIO. At one point, I fell into a restful sleep only to wake moments, hours, I don’t know -but sometime later, and the same song was still playing! Show was saved with the indoor pyrotechnics – very cool.

This falling asleep in public thing, should I worry?

The follow-up for Trans-Siberian was Mannheim Steamroller. Let me be very clear about this – I L.O.V.E this group’s music. It makes me happy and we traveled more than 2 hours to see this show. This was going to be the holiday show of a lifetime. The music was perfection, without question. However, I was distracted as I had to bear witness to the matching powder blue tuxes the musicians were forced to wear. I think this group makes a lot of money, and to this day, I do not understand this fashion statement. Um, hello, 1970 or retro chic? Maybe they never change their uniforms much like a baseball player in a winning streak? Whatever the case, I was getting over the shock only to have it replaced with a movie shown behind the band while they played on in seriousness. I can only describe it as ‘Game of Thrones’ to Christmas Music. On the upside, I stayed awake the whole time.

Next on the list was Blue Man Group at the Palace. Travel for this one was more than three hours. I had to see this show for work, no kidding. I was expecting full-on eye-rolling, stifled giggles and a nap. This did not happen because I liked this show, a lot. My eyes were not rolling; they were fixated on the drummers behind the Blue Men. These guys were a-maz-ing. They put on a great show with all their jumping and pounding. They never stopped. I can’t believe there isn’t a Blue Man Drummer Fitness for WII or something, cuz that would sell. For me, it is a onetime only show but it was a really good one time.

Most recently on the list was the Cirque Du Soleil and local Symphony. Again, a show for the Holidays so the music was favorable and the performers were death-defying. Okay, I don’t think anyone’s life was in peril but their limbs were continuously at risk for charilehorses. It was pretty cool.

So as you have read. I like Cheese and I am not ashamed who knows. Now if you will excuse me, A tonight is the Hallmark Holiday Special movie on ABC and I must get ready to watch it. Someone grab the crackers, this is going to be great!

Assignment: Embrace your guilty pleasures.

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