Thursday, December 13, 2012

Adios el Taco Bell

Fifteen years ago today, I had to admit to myself that I had a problem. I had become entrapped by Taco Bell. It began in 1980, when the first Taco Bell moved in a mere 10 minute drive from high school. We were able to do off campus lunches and my friends and I were lured by the promise of high food volume at a low price.

It was there I fell in love with menu basics. I am not a fancy franchised food gal, I like the core – the simple delights mass production has to offer. Oh, the beautiful flavor of the bean burrito with a package of hot sauce. The crisp delight of a corn shelled taco or tostada. Oh, the taste bud pleasures created by whatever ‘meat’ substance they use on their product – simply addictive.

Over the years, I would dabble. A splurge here, a purge there but by 1997, my need had grown. Damn you cheap and fast Tex-Mex! I found myself getting a fix weekly, maybe twice a week. With each trip my cravings grew. It was never enough.

I remember the day clearly, one of my daughters and I were going to see the Nutcracker. We decided to grab some fast food beforehand. Clearly, Taco Bell would be the place to go. I mean, what better way to say; Feliz Atracon, than with Taco Bell. I am sure we went big, dropped maybe $7 or $8 dollars for our treats. Then we ate without a care in the world until it hit me – what the heck am I doing? What the heck am I eating? Why the heck do I do this so frequently?

And like that, I stopped. Today marks the 15th anniversary of taking my life back and making December 13, 1997 the last time I “made a run for the boarder”

Sometimes, I remember what it tasted like and I miss it.

Assignment: Feliz Atracon – wondering what that means . . .Google it from Spanish to English.

1 comment:

Lisa said... make me laugh. Congrats on going cold turkey, or should we say "cold processed meat slime"?