Friday, November 23, 2012

Thankful for All Things Great and Small

When I am old and forgetful, this is a Thanksgiving I am going to want to remember and so I am going to share a few of the highlights with you. Sure, yes, I know – you are welcome, now on with the Thanksgiving that was 2012.

The highlights begin with a Wednesday call from Maddy asking what we were going to have for Thanksgiving Dinner. Lasagna Maddy – what else would we serve? She then quizzed me on the deserts: Michigan Cherry Pie, Pumpkin Pie, and a White Chocolate Pumpkin Cheesecake. Her reply, ugh you made that last year and no one ate it. Thankfully, this year, I am not attempting any oven adventures. Instead, I am supporting the economy. I can’t bake – I don’t even want to pretend like I can anymore. I have no pride left.

Finally the great day arrives and I start it with the 2nd Annual Marshville Damn Pie 5k. This is a neighborhood run and I love it. It is so much fun it really feels like community family of runners coming together. The route isn’t one of my favorites but I like that we run it blind. No timers. We all predict our finish time before the race and then we just go out and run. The runner closest to their time wins a pumpkin pie. I missed it by .17 seconds last year and missed it by more than 4 minutes this year. Yes sir, a PR for me on this fine day.

Here is a side note on my running Personal Records (PR). When I was younger and ran with a smaller body and the spirit of a young woman, I could pace a nice 7.5 – 8.5 mile. That was the ghost of my Running Past. Now in the Ghost of Running Present, my PR is a swift 31.29 for a 5k (3.1 miles) and that is a solid 10.12 pace. I am gunning for a sub-10 with my Ghost of Running Future. Did you notice, now that we are past Thanksgiving I can freely make Christmas references?

Filled with the pride of a great run I walked home with my son’s megaphone slung over my shoulder, a bottle of champagne in one hand and a mimosa in the other. Nice start to the day and it was about to get trumped by a surprise visit from B, Max and Phia.

Then it was time to prepare for the feast and I kid you not . . . I completely messed up the Jell-O. My poor children will never be able to share stories of how they learned to cook in mom’s kitchen.

The day ended with Steve and Jess coming over for (purchased) deserts and some games. It was a great day. We missed Megan (who had to work) and Jake (who has a special friend family celebration in Chicago) but with Christmas only a month away full family joy will soon be had.

Assignment: What if we all tried Thanks-Thursday each week – how awesome would that be?!

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