Monday, November 19, 2012

Lead with Love and random Awesomeness

This past weekend, every time I even thought about writing, I ended up stepping onto a soapbox. There are a lot of things troubling me about this ole’ world. I believe we could benefit from a collective time-out. We need a chance to calm down and think about how we are handling ourselves and treating others. Simple toddler fodder but those basics seem to be absent of late.

Problem is, with each soapbox rant I envisioned, I didn’t feel any better. I was just venting like a crazy woman and it all seemed to add to the problem. With that, on this Monday before Thanksgiving, I am going to try to be a part of the solution. I am going to try to lead with love.

Love and random awesomeness so our minds can rest from the anger, hate, and blame people seem to be getting all too comfortable with for my taste. Here is some random awesomeness for you to start stretching out your bellies in anticipation for Thursday’s feast. Nope, that does NOT make sense but stay with me here.

This past weekend, our high school team fought the hard fight on the field but they were defeated. No worries, I still believe and I am beyond proud of their accomplishments. Extra ‘ta-da’ for the coach who lives in my home (insert cat noise here and envision me making a claw with my hand and a sexy face). Go Tiger , Whew, TMI . . . ?

One thing I did notice at the game was the significant lack of cheers from my high school days. Maybe if I share them with you, you will also find it odd. Let’s see if you can connect with any of these gems . . .

Be Aggressive. B.E. Aggressive. B.E. AGG. RESS. IVE. Say What? (Crowd reply: Say What?). Be Aggressive.

R.O.W. D.I.E, that’s the way we spell rowdie. Rowdie, let’s get rowdie.

Push em’ back, Push em’ back . . .way Back.

First and 10 – do it again!

And in anticipation for basketball season, my all time favorite (this is a PG-13 cheer never sanctioned by the cheerleaders . . and only conducted by students in the stands).
Hit em’ in the left knee. Hit em’ in the right knee. Hit em’ in the wee-nee, wee-need a referee.

Oh, good times.

Assignment: Lead with Love . . .See what that does for a change. Happy Thanksgiving.

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