Saturday, October 27, 2012

When Happiness Happens

• My husband is a volunteer coach for our high school football team. Last night they won the first round playoff game. Advancing to the second round hasn’t happened since 2001. This is his first year on the high school team – coincidence, I think not. It was a great game on a perfect fall evening.
•My son Andy came home to watch his dad coach and he sat with me the full game. As a former player on that team, he knows a lot about the plays. This is very helpful as I am pretending to know more about football than I do. I don’t think I drove him too crazy with my cheering – okay, I might have but I don’t really care.
•My satellite provider settled their dispute with AMC and we can now watch The Walking Dead. Listen, I am a television junkie – and proud of it. I grew up on TV, raised my kids with TV and I am not ashamed to write it So, this contract settlement is super great news (I have no idea what I would have done if I couldn’t watch Mad Men this January).
•One of my new goals is not buying clothes unless needed. This is a really hard goal because this is my drug of choice. This morning I put on my causal jeans and really noticed how baggy they were getting. My husband suggested when I was in town today; maybe I should get a new pair of jeans. He was right – I mean a girl should not try to pull off ‘baggy’ or sagging. .or mom jeans for that matter. Yes, reader I am down another size and I have the new jeans to prove it.
•And finally, I got to spend some quality time with two of my favorite men today on Make a Difference Day.

Here is a slice of our morning together.

Assignment: Did you make a difference today? Well, fear not - there is always tomorrow.

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