I do not profess to be an expert in this area, so know that going into this reading. Also, know that you may have strong disagreement to my opinion, which doesn't devalue either of us in any way.
The United States Supreme Court is currently in deliberation regarding same-sex marriages. The debates are filled with heat and passion on both sides. My simple summary: The Court is reviewing a federal constitutional right that was established by our forefathers in 1776. When our forefathers defined what marriage in America would be based on their principals and beliefs at that time. That is the fact that is being debated.
Since 1776, States (and our nation) has had issue with the following heterosexual marriage laws:
•Interracial marriages were illegal until the 1960s.
•In many states, the legal marriage age was 13; providing access to heterosexual adults (over the age of 18-21) to marriage heterosexual children ages 13-17.
•All 50 states allow marriages to dissolve at any point in the marriage: 24, 48, 72 hours. The perks of this grow based on the status of one’s celebrity.
•All 50 states allow heterosexual individuals to marry as often as they desire. The perks of this grow based on the status of one’s celebrity.
Interesting . . . . . .. . .
One of the greatest oppositions to same-sex marriage comes from a religious difference in Gods’ intentions on marriage. This begs me to ask: Is the issue of marriage – all marriage – a separation of church and state? If so, and the Bill of Rights is upheld then religion doesn't factor into this legal decision. Let’s be honest, it would be easier to be able to pick and choose our support of the amendments based on our own preference (free speech, right to bare arms . . just a couple of examples) but we kinda need to be fair all around when it comes to the Bill of Rights. We can’t use it as our baseline of support for one issue and ignore it on others. Seems to me, and I might be wrong, but it seems to me that marriage might fall under the Ninth Amendment.
So why is the separation of church and state so important, well in the words of Thomas Jefferson: “Believing that religion is a matter which lies solely between man and his God, that he owes account to none other for his faith or his worship, that the legislative powers of government reach actions only, and not opinions, I contemplate with sovereign reverence that act of the whole American people which declared that their Legislature should "make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof," thus building a wall of separation between Church and State (Letter to the Danbury Baptists, 1802).
Now don’t get me wrong, I fully believe that God’s law out weights all man-made rules. This is one reason I get frustrated with the disagreements within churches over man-made rules, but another subject for another time. I also believe that our walk if faith is a difficult one. Are there verses in the Bible that reference a union is between a man and a woman? Yes, clearly there are. But there are also verses that take positions on slavery and tattoos. There are stories that support if a man dies, his wife is promised to his brother. There are stories where David plots to kill the husband of a woman he loves so he can have her. There are stories where Ruth plots to sleep next to a man so that he will be confused and wed her.
The thing is, the Bible is a good and holy book . . it speaks God’s word. The Bible is also confusing to ‘we the people’. Often we use segments to support our position (as I just did) without fully disclosing or studying the full intention of the word. The Bible can be confusing (to me at least) because it doesn't spell everything out for us, and it forces us to study and seek more wisdom so we grow in our faith. But there are some elements that are pretty clear and are the foundation for how we are to try to live.
ONE: 'You shall have no other gods before Me.'
TWO: 'You shall not make for yourself a carved image--any likeness of anything that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth.'
THREE: 'You shall not take the name of the LORD your God in vain.'
FOUR: 'Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy.'
FIVE: 'Honor your father and your mother.'
SIX: 'You shall not murder.'
SEVEN: 'You shall not commit adultery.'
EIGHT: 'You shall not steal.'
NINE: 'You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor.'
TEN: 'You shall not covet your neighbor's house; you shall not covet your neighbor's wife, nor his male servant, nor his female servant, nor his ox, nor his donkey, nor anything that is your neighbor's.'
And in summary of those 10 Commandments:
"Teacher, which is the greatest commandment in the Law?" Jesus replied: " 'Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.' This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: 'Love your neighbor as yourself.' All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments" (Matthew 22:36-40).
Interesting . . . . .
Assignment: Love one and other.
Wednesday, March 27, 2013
Monday, March 25, 2013
Happy Birthday Maddy Jo
It is funny how things can just hit you while in the middle of day-to-day life. Today is Maddy’s 19th birthday and today is the first birthday that she and I have spent it apart. I realized this while walking into my office today,. . .and suddenly there was an answer for my melancholy. Our baby has grown-up and is living life as she decides. You think this would get easier after doing it so many times with our other children, but it doesn’t.
Maddy’s life began with a clear determination to do things her way. She was the only child who missed her delivery date by days. She was waiting for a time when her arrival would be notice: a scheduling that she determined and foreshadowing of our future. Unlike her tiny siblings, Maddy entered this world a healthy and bountiful 10 pounds 1 ounce; and with her first breath, she was ready to take on the world.
Maddy’s determination would serve her well in life, months battling colic, years batting night terrors, and one very long year battling cancer. She has felt the turbulence of friendships ending, the heartbreak brought on by boys, and the crush of having to work hard to prove yourself, if only for her own sake and no others. If you have meet Maddy, you know her determination will challenge you to listen, to seek fairness, and to work for understanding. As she has matured, I have seen her deep sense of sympathy; empathy and understanding nurture this determination into compassion. Her dream is to enter Human Service field, as a Child Life Specialist, and help children who are battling their bodies’ illnesses. Little does this young woman know how many she has already helped in her short 19 years on this earth. I hope she understands the light that she shines is by far one of her greatest gifts. Blessings!
But for today, I will honor Maddy by thinking of her as little wild haired girl ever ready to sing; You are my Sunshine, and run into my arms each night when I came home from work. Happy Birthday sweet Maddy, you are a beautiful woman. I treasure the secret laughs and tears we share.
Assignment: Lift up the lives of those who are young: and celebrate the needed changes they are making in this world.

Friday, March 15, 2013
Friday: Must be true confession day!
I try to keep this blog real: an honest look at my thoughts, emotions, and perspective on life. This said, I also have to come clean on some weak moments. Today is one of those days. I am working from home today and only now realized that I am wearing: Santa PJ pants (pink), A Groundhog Day Sweatshirt (light blue), and Shamrock socks (green). This is a true story.
I was going to post a photo but I think your imagination is more powerful. Plus, you know.. . .once it is on the Web – it never goes away. A photo could hurt my future fashion consultant modeling contract.
Serious business happening in this outfit - serious business.
Assignment: Dress like a holiday!
I was going to post a photo but I think your imagination is more powerful. Plus, you know.. . .once it is on the Web – it never goes away. A photo could hurt my future fashion consultant modeling contract.
Serious business happening in this outfit - serious business.
Assignment: Dress like a holiday!
Wednesday, March 6, 2013
Inventory on on the first 6 months of 50
It has been a while since I have written in this blog. Life priorities are out of balance and I am working hard to right this soon. In turn, this just adds stress so what I really need to do is just let go. Anyway, I have been keeping up with my musings on facebook https://www.facebook.com/nbrozek and twitter https://twitter.com/nabrozek if you want to read my ‘speak before you think’ ramblings.
I am six months into my 50’s and thought it might be nice to take an inventory of what this milestone year means. Since the celebration, my body has been trying to run amuck. I have been officially diagnosed with, an inconvenient at its worse, little medical issue. The cure, a pill and complete redesign of what I can and cannot eat; for the rest of my life – or suffer the spasms. While this has taken some getting used to (I miss you tomato and lemon), I have lost weight and I can still have cupcakes so, really, inconvenient is all this is to me.
I have also had a bit of a more serious health scare. My routine checkup found some questionable results. Each time I was given the green light – a recheck would create another round of questions. From November – February I played a game of ‘hide and seek’ with the medical world. After a biopsy, all is good: the only thing hurting is my checkbook for the tests and procedures I was put through. I might write more on this later – but peeps, get those breast exams!!!! Enough Said.
In January, I got to have my first colonoscopy. Results were good and the process was easy. Don’t let fear talk you out of this. The prep was not that bad. I wanted to have it help me lose 5 pounds until my loving husband reminded me that that would mean I was always carrying around 5 pounds of shit. So, perspective is good.
In a few recent videos and photos, I have noticed the gravity is finally taking hold. My face is dropping into a woman of 50 face. Whatever, it was bound to happen sometime.
However, after all of this, the one thing that I really cannot tolerate is that my mortal enemy: my hair – has started to position itself as boss. There are two prominent locations in which it refuses to cover with the color of my choice. I am not going down without a fight . . .this hair of mine can win the battle but I’ma goin’ win this war. It is on hair – challenge accepted.
In short, six months into 50 and all is right with the world. Continue to play on . . .
Assignment: How did I make it to this age without a good (public) nickname? I need one for the last 50 years of my life . . suggestions?
I am six months into my 50’s and thought it might be nice to take an inventory of what this milestone year means. Since the celebration, my body has been trying to run amuck. I have been officially diagnosed with, an inconvenient at its worse, little medical issue. The cure, a pill and complete redesign of what I can and cannot eat; for the rest of my life – or suffer the spasms. While this has taken some getting used to (I miss you tomato and lemon), I have lost weight and I can still have cupcakes so, really, inconvenient is all this is to me.
I have also had a bit of a more serious health scare. My routine checkup found some questionable results. Each time I was given the green light – a recheck would create another round of questions. From November – February I played a game of ‘hide and seek’ with the medical world. After a biopsy, all is good: the only thing hurting is my checkbook for the tests and procedures I was put through. I might write more on this later – but peeps, get those breast exams!!!! Enough Said.
In January, I got to have my first colonoscopy. Results were good and the process was easy. Don’t let fear talk you out of this. The prep was not that bad. I wanted to have it help me lose 5 pounds until my loving husband reminded me that that would mean I was always carrying around 5 pounds of shit. So, perspective is good.
In a few recent videos and photos, I have noticed the gravity is finally taking hold. My face is dropping into a woman of 50 face. Whatever, it was bound to happen sometime.
However, after all of this, the one thing that I really cannot tolerate is that my mortal enemy: my hair – has started to position itself as boss. There are two prominent locations in which it refuses to cover with the color of my choice. I am not going down without a fight . . .this hair of mine can win the battle but I’ma goin’ win this war. It is on hair – challenge accepted.
In short, six months into 50 and all is right with the world. Continue to play on . . .
Assignment: How did I make it to this age without a good (public) nickname? I need one for the last 50 years of my life . . suggestions?
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