Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Need a favor?

You know that little story in which the little boy needs a simple favor but in order to get it he has to complete task after task for people along the way . . . that is my life. Is this normal? Does every action generate multiple reactions that have to be addressed? I feel I am always in negotiation with someone for something. Maybe I need to learn the word, ‘no’. If I said “no” more often that might stop the cycle.

Could it be me? Is it my need to be a people pleasure? My need to have things my way but care too much about hurting feelings to just out right say/do what I want. I long for a simple day; a silly simple day.

On the bright side I did see the most wonderful thing on the way into work today. I was stopped at a cross-walk near a local YMCA. The daycare team was leading a group of (3-4) year olds across the street. They were paired up, side-by-side, like the story from Madeleine. They were so cute one couldn’t help but smile. That was a wonderful treat for my eyes and it is my calm thought for this most busy (favor chasing) day.

Assignment: Remind me to just say no! No, let’s be more positive: Seek joy in the simplest of things.

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