Friday, May 21, 2010

Photo Friday

Welcome Baby Max: Born 5/20/10. He is beautiful and I am in love.


Lisa said...

He's beautiful...slimy newborn head and all. Post more pictures Nancy - I know you're taking them! :-) Give that Mommy a hug from the Kirker's!

Jessica Mox said...

Nancy, now you know why I am so crazy about Kyle and Lisa's girls, not to mention my other two grand daughters. With grand babies, girls and boys, it REALLY is all about "more is better!" You will start to see the world differently now.

One grandma to another, I suggest that you get a list of Ellie and Josie's music so you can learn the words to their favorite songs. All little ones seem to LOVE music and the songs are all new, crazy and FUN!

He is a beautiful child, what a gift.
