It has been a lot of fun to read the blogs and Facebook posts coming from parents so proud of their young children’s firsts. School re-opening brings with it that sweet combination of excitement, nerves, and pride. It is fun to reflect on my children’s list of firsts; the accomplishments that have helped shape them into the young adults they are today.
But in this reflection, I realized that there are still plenty of firsts to celebrate even if our children are past their first day of school. Jake (27) is really making his mark on changing the world. He is stepping outside the comfort zone to speak on his faith and politics. Steve (26) has been in his career for a full year. He has survived staff reductions and is learning how important accountability and reliability is for an individual. Megan (25) and her husband Brain are celebrating their first wedding anniversary and she has returned to Ferris State to continue her education. As an RN in a hospital emergency room, she realizes how important continued education can be to an individual. Jessica (23) has defied the odds in the state of Michigan. She has found a teaching position four months after graduating from college. She is the newest second grade teacher at an elementary school in our community. Word on our small country streets – things are going well.
Then there are our “babies” Andy (16) and Maddy (15). They had their first day back to school and allowed me to capture it on film (they are growing tired of my photography). Andy is playing Varsity football and last night was his first “Parents Night”. Maddy is getting ready to take drivers training so she can have the final piece of freedom she so longs for (well, driving and money but we can only tackle driving right now).
Assignment: You are never too old to experience or celebrate a first. Don’t let those moments slip away unnoticed . . . . .they can only be first once!