Sunday, January 27, 2013

Happy Birthday Megan

This weekend, my daughter Megan celebrated her 29th Birthday. It is hard to believe how quickly time has gone by since this little bundle of joy entered the world. Megan is undeniably beautiful, but this beauty pales in comparison of her intelligence and compassion for others.

In her 29 years she has already achieved so much: an outstanding running history that she is reviving, exemplary academic achievements, and an adventurous career history that includes firefighting and Emergency Nurse. She has also married her true love, and together, they have two sweet children who will undoubtedly grow into fine and giving adults.

Megan is a good friend, sister, wife, mother, and daughter. She is a blessing and gift to this world. Happy Birthday Megan, I wish you are year of joy, peace, and amazement.

Assignment: Believe you CAN do whatever you dare dream.

Wednesday, January 16, 2013


Recently a photo of me was posted on Facebook. I have to confess, I was taken back a little when I saw it. It is a promotional photo that was taken in the mid-90's for a college I attended. They were featuring their graduates and the career choices they had made since school. I find it a little funny that it is still on the wall but how nice that so many people are seeing me as I remember myself. Dorian Gray would be jealous.

As I looked at the photo I was taken back a bit by how young I appeared. I was probably 34-35 years old, but now, looking back, that age looks so young. This photo is the image that captures how I think of myself. It is the image I recall when I envision myself in life, so in reality when I see my reflection, I am always a bit surprised by the person looking back. There is no way to deny it, I am getting older. It is more than a number game, there have been significant changes to my body, face, hair, and to my way of thinking - my spirit . . and it is sometimes startling to be reminded of it. The photo that started this reflection was taken only 15 years ago (if that) but what a full lifetime that has passed in those short years.

This is my Grad Photo. As a teen, my life was spent living in the moment. Not a care or concern - as you can see by my flawless skin. Life without worry is good for the skin - the tanning I did, not so much.

I believe this was taken when I was 23 years old. The hair, the clothes = the 80's. Nuff said.

My 10-year class reunion in 1990. I was 27 years old but less carefree in such a short timeframe.

The Photo that generated this reflection. If only I knew then, the number of things I didn't know -I didn't know yet. But, that is why my blog is "A Hard Way to Learn".

The decade of my 40's was a challenging one. We faced many of life's uncertainties in this decade: career changes, health issues, parent's death, empty nest transitioning, and so much more. This was a difficult decade and the sweet beautify of youth was passed to a new generation. This was the most defining 10 years of my life to date. It set the stage for what I am about to become . . scary and exciting at the same time.

This is me at age 50. It is the start of my quest to realize my true potential and purpose for being given the gift of this life.

Assignment: Love yourself as you are right now, whatever place you might be in know that you are perfect. Celebrate your youth and carefree nature. Embrace your maturity and knowledge you have gained through time. Where ever you are in age, know that your beauty really is found in your character.